Quarterly Quezon City tax delinquent properties auction slated on July 5, 2012

This quarter’s auction of Quezon City tax delinquent properties shall be held on July 5, 2012, Thursday, 10:00am, at the Ground Floor, Taxpayer’s Assessment and Payment Lounge, City Hall Complex, Quezon City, Philippines.

This is by virtue of the provisions of Sections 260 and 263 of RA 7160, otherwise know as the Local Government Code of 1991. Checkout the complete list of tax delinquent properties after the jump.

The official seal of Quezon City in the Philippines
The official seal of Quezon City via Wikipedia

Complete list of Quezon City Tax delinquent real properties

The complete list of Quezon City Tax delinquent real properties for auction on July 5, 2012 is ready for download below. The list consists of 5 pages and is in PDF format.

Source: Philippine Star print edition, June 25, 2012, page B-13 to B-17

For more information about the properties on the list

For additional information specific to the properties on the list, please visit or call the Quezon City Treasurer’s Office DIRECTLY!

More information about investing in tax delinquent properties

If you are unfamiliar with tax delinquent properties and want to learn more, please read the following articles as they provide answers to the most frequently asked questions:


To our success and financial freedom!

Jay Castillo

Real Estate Investor
PRC Real Estate Broker License No. 3194 
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Text by Jay Castillo and Cherry Castillo. Copyright © 2008 – 2012 All rights reserved.

Full disclosure: Nothing to disclose.

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12 thoughts on “Quarterly Quezon City tax delinquent properties auction slated on July 5, 2012”

  1. Sir Jay we are requesting you to post the notice of delinquent real property for the month of October 4, 2012 from Quezon City for our reference. thanks and more power!!!!!!!

    1. Hi Obet, I wasn’t able to get a copy of that one (October 4, 2012). Couldn’t find it in any of the newspapers where it is regularly published, and I could not go to QC back then. Sorry.

      1. Hi sir, do you have a copy of Sept 17 and 24, 2012 phillippine star notice for auction or delinquent properties particulary Quezon City area?


      2. Hi Sir,
        Do you have a copy of Philippine star’s published delinquent/for auction properties in QC dated Sept 17 and 24,2012?

        Thanks a lot.


  2. A. Evelia Lucero

    When is the March 2013 auction (first quarter) of Quezon City tax delinquent properties? Is there a list somewhere of such properties?
    Has the P10,000 deposit added to the tax delinquent amount by the auctioneer (you mentioned in an earlier post) been increased?

  3. Hi jay,

    I saw the pdf file of qc-tax delinquent does the amount indicated there is the starting bid amount for the bidding? Based on your experience sir what will be my chance of winning the bid? Are there so many bidders? One more is that if bought a foreclose property does the latter or the owner can still redeem the property I bought? Thank you very much, I hope you will respond to my questions. Godspeed and God bless!

    1. Hi Pat,

      Yes, the amount on the notice is the starting bid price. As for your chances to win, it really depends on the location (if it is in demand), and the number of other bidders. I’ve seen tax delinquent property auctions where there were many properties compared to the bidders and almost all went home winning at least one of their bids. For QC however, I noticed it has so many attendees so chances of winning gets slimmer, unless you have a very high bid price ceiling.

      The tax delinquent property owners have a year to redeem their property.


  4. your website is so interesting and i learn a lot .. i have a question,
    – why does the other properties doesnt have the tct number?
    – the 10,000 deposit is refundable at the end of the bid if you don’t buy any
    property .
    thanks and more power to you

    1. Hi Cherry, thanks for the compliment, much appreciated!

      Regarding your questions, let me try to answer them below:

      – I can only assume they did not have enough time to consolidate all the TCT numbers for inclusion in the notice of delinquency. If you get a copy of the tax declarations, it contains the TCT number.

      – Yes, the Php10,000 deposit is refundable, although I remember one time that it is not immediately refundable after the auction (bidders had to come back another day to get their money back). I’m not sure if this is still the same for this auction on July 5.


      1. thanks..id like to invest on this kind of auction i think its a lot cheaper than buying a property…one more thing if .. let say i wont able to attend the auction.. is it possible that i will still get property and bought it directly to treasurers office if its still available?

        1. Hi Cherry, I was at the City Treasurer’s office today and although I knew that unsold properties become owned by the local government, I asked anyway. They confirmed that unsold tax delinquent properties will become government owned and only the former owner can redeem the property within 1 year.

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