Update: 2013 Real Estate Brokers Exam Results Released By The PRC
Just about every successful real estate investor I know is already a licensed real estate broker, and they did this by taking and passing the real estate brokers exam.
If you want to be a real estate investor, why should you even bother attending a real estate seminar and take the exam?
As mentioned in my 7 tips to help you get started with real estate investing, attending a real estate seminar/review for aspiring real estate brokers is a great way to learn about the legal aspects of property ownership, real estate taxation, real estate laws in the Philippines, etc.
Although newbie real estate investors can attend a real estate seminar just for the knowledge, you might as well take the exam right?! I consider passing the exam and becoming a licensed real estate broker as icing on the cake!
Question is, where can you review for the real estate brokers exam?
With the March 2013 real estate brokers exam just around the corner, you’re in luck as several review centers have already started to offer their Comprehensive Real Estate Seminar and Reviews or CRESR’s, and I will compile them here just like what I did in the past.
By the way, attending a CRESR is just one of the many real estate broker exam requirements. You also need to be a college graduate to be eligible to take the real estate brokers exam on March 2013. Please keep this in mind before you register for any of the following real estate seminars.
March 2013 Real Estate Brokers Exam Seminars and review centers
1. Urban Institute of Real Estate – 120-Hour Comprehensive Real Estate Seminar plus 2 day Extensive Review.
Based on the announcement at their website, the seminar schedule has been revised to 120 Hours instead of 60 Hours as per PRC guidelines. The earliest schedule starts on October 23, 2012 November 16, 2012 so you still have time to register.
This is it! Final November Schedule for Comprehensive Real Estate Seminar and Review for Real Estate Broker’s Exam on March 2013
“HOME OF TOPNOTCHERS AND SUCCESSFUL REAL ESTATE BROKERS”82% and 91% Passing rate and 7 & 13 Top Ten Topnotchersin the March 2011 and March 2012 PRC examination for real estate brokers.INVITES YOU TO ATTEND
(this complies with the 120 hour CPE seminarrequired by PRC as a pre-qualification in thereal estate brokers Licensure Examinationthis coming March, 2013)PLUS
March 2 and 9 (Saturday) 8:00 AM to 1:30 PM(this is free to all participants with exam permit only,and will be held in AIM, Makati, with free flowing coffee, no snacks)in preparation for the licensure examination forReal Estate Brokers to be given by theProfessional Regulation Commission.YOU CAN CHOOSE FROM ANY OF THE SECTIONS BELOW!NEW SECTION!!
Every Monday, Tuesday and ThursdayDecember 4, 6, 10, 11, 13,January 8, 10, 14, 15, 17, 21, 22, 24, 28, 29, 31,February 4, 5, 7, 11, 12, 14, 18 and 19.24 sessions, 2:30 to 8:00 PMAsian Institute of Management (AIM) Conference CenterLegaspi Village, Makati CityFEE – P 17,000.00Inclusive of handouts, certificate and coffee (no snacks)QUEZON CITY SECTION
With few remaining slots
Every Wednesday and Friday with three TuesdaysNovember 16, 20, 21, 23, 27, 28, 30, December 4, 5, 7, 12,January 4, 9, 11, 16, 18, 23, 25, 30, February 1, 6, 8, 13 and 15.24 sessions, 1:15 to 6:45 PMMaximo Function Room, Max’s Restaurant, 2nd Level, Gateway Mall,Araneta Center , Cubao, Quezon CityFEE – P 19,400.00Inclusive of handouts, certificate and 24 heavy snacks.MAKATI – TUESDAY AND THURSDAY MORNING SECTION
This Section is already closed. All slots taken
Every Tuesday and Thursday with MondaysNovember 20, 22, 26, 27, 29,December 4, 6, 10, 11, 13,January 8, 10, 15, 17, 22, 24, 28, 29, 31,February 5, 7, 12, 14 and 19.24 sessions, 8:00 AM to 1:30 PMDon Jose Yulo CaseroomAsian Institute of Management (AIM) Conference CenterLegaspi Village, Makati CityFEE – P 17,000.00Inclusive of handouts, certificate and coffee (no lunch)MAKATI – SATURDAY AND SUNDAY MORNING SECTION
This Sat-Sun AM Section is already closed. All slots taken.
Every Saturday and SundayNovember 17, 18, 24, 25 (8:00AM to 8:00PM, only for November 25),December 1, 2, 8, 9 (3:30 to 9:00 PM for December 9 only), 15,January 5, 6, 12, 13, 19, 20, 26, 27,February 2, 3, 9, 10, 16 and 17.24 sessions, 8:00 AM to 1:30PMDon Jose Yulo Caseroom,Asian Institute of Management (AIM) Conference CenterLegaspi Village, Makati CityFEE – P 17,000.00Inclusive of handouts, certificate and coffee (no dinner)MAKATI – SATURDAY AND SUNDAY AFTERNOON SECTION
With few remaining slots
Every Saturday and Sunday
November 17, 18, 24, 25,December 1, 2 (8:00AM to 8:00PM only for December 2), 8, 9, 15,January 5, 6, 12, 13, 19, 20, 26, 27,February 2, 3, 9, 10, 16 and 17.24 sessions, 2:30 PM to 8:00 PMDon Jose Yulo Caseroom,Asian Institute of Management (AIM) Conference CenterLegaspi Village, Makati CityFEE – P 17,000.00Inclusive of handouts, certificate and coffee (no dinner)———————————————————————–THESE SEMINARS SHALL BE DIRECTED BY ENGR. ENRICO S. CRUZ, 1ST AND 8TH PLACER,BOARD EXAMINATION FOR REAL ESTATE APPRAISERS AND REAL ESTATE BROKERS RESPECTIVELY; WITH PROFESSOR ATTY. REX ENRICO V. CRUZ III AND OTHER LECTURERSFor details, inquiries and reservation, please text toCP No. 0915-457-3596 or 0939-137-9242 or call 02-509-4094.or email: urbanet.ph@gmail.com or info@urban-institute.comor visit Urban Institute’s website: http://www.urban-institute.com/2012/11/this-is-it-final-november-schedule-for.html
2. Real Estate Brokers Association of the Philippines – Real Estate Seminar and Review
This is also for 120 Hours credit (notarized) and includes a manual, morning snack, lunch, afternoon snacks, and a half day mock exam. Click on the image below to enlarge. REBAP’s seminar starts on October 20, 2012 (Saturday) By the way, they sometimes refer to this as a Comprehensive Real Estate Seminar and Training or CREST.
You may also visit REBAP’s website for more details: http://www.rebap.com.ph
3. Cesar E. Santos Real Estate Academy – Comprehensive Real Estate Seminar for March 2013 Real Estate Brokers Exam
CES’s Real Estate Seminar has already started last October 6, 2012 (sorry, I should have posted this sooner) but I’m sure another batch/schedule will open up soon. Please refer to the image below(click to enlarge) for more details.
You may also visit their website for more details: http://cesacademy.blogspot.com/
Do you know other CRESR’s for the March 2013 real estate brokers exam?
If you know of other CRESR’s for the March 2013 real estate brokers exam, including areas outside Metro Manila, please let us all know by leaving a comment below. Don’t forget to include who is giving the CRESR, the schedules, venue, the seminar fees, contact information, and other relevant details.
I hope that this compilation of CRESR providers/schedules for the March 2013 real estate brokers exam results into more choices for aspiring real estate brokers all over the Philippines.
Happy learning!
To our success and financial freedom!
Jay Castillo
Real Estate Investor
PRC Real Estate Broker License No. 3194
Blog: https://www.foreclosurephilippines.com
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Text by Jay Castillo and Cherry Castillo. Copyright © 2008 – 2012 All rights reserved.
Full disclosure: Nothing to disclose. The above compilation of CRESR providers is meant as a guide on where to review for the upcoming March 2013 real estate brokers exam. As always, our standard disclaimer applies.
Photo credit: ShuttrKing|KT, on Flickr
I took up dentistry and I am currently undergraduate. Is there any place for people like me to take a review with this kind of industry.
Hi Sir Jay, Im a CPA and wants to take real estate brokers exam. Am I qualified to take the exam even if I didnt take any Comprehensive Real Estate Brokers Review & seminar Im planning also to have my review on my own (self review) since i was able to passed the CPA exam before thru self review
Hi sir jay. Would like to know if there is any review center in batangas city that will start this dec? Thank you.