What Every Filipino Should Know About The West Philippine Sea (Videos)

The Philippines is an archipelagic country which is very rich in natural resources and even human resources. The Philippines may be a small country, but I love it very much.

It pains me to know that another country is bullying us and taking advantage of our natural resources. I feel very strongly that we Filipinos should know what the issues are regarding the West Philippine Sea. This issue is very serious and may have a devastating effect on real estate investing should a war erupt (God forbid!).

The Philippines is a rich country - MB
The Philippines is a rich country – MB

Documentaries on the West Philippine Sea issue

The Philippines’ Department of Foreign Affairs has released three documentaries so that more Filipinos would understand the depth and gravity of the West Philippine Sea issue. If you have not seen these videos, I strongly recommend that you watch them intently and tell me how you feel after you’ve watched them.

Video 1


Video 2


Video 3


You can also check updates from the facebook page of the West Philippine Sea/ Scarborough Watch.

International Law

This issue is within the purview of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS). This is one of the times when we really need lawyers, and I truly believe that our best lawyers are working on this case.

I really hope that this issue will be resolved quickly, and in our favor. It makes me very sad to know that our coral reefs are destroyed and our food security is threatened. Almost every day we hear news of China testing us – putting buoys, stopping our government from sending things to our old guard ship, among others.

China is a very big country. I cannot understand why they have to take our seas as well.

Oratio Imperata for the West Philippine Sea Row

In times like these, the only hope of a small country like ours is to get recourse through legal means – to hope that the tribunal rules in our favor, and that China will respect the tribunal’s decision.

Our most powerful weapon is still prayer. I would like to share with you the Oratio Imperata for the West Philippine Sea Row. I know that God will never forsake us and that our collective prayers will be heard.

O Lord our God, Maker of heaven and earth, the sky and the seas, look kindly on us, Your children of the Philippine islands, our home, now beset with tensions over our West Philippine Sea.

We pray to you for peace over that part of our islands and waters.

We pray that questions over it may be resolved through justice and respect for people’s rights.

We pray that no harm may be done to our marine creatures and habitat.

We pray that our fellow Filipinos, protecting our islands and seas, be kept safe from natural and man-made disasters.

Loving God, You are our wonderful Creator, our generous provider of good things. Send Your Holy Spirit of wisdom and understanding to our leaders, that they may resolve this crisis with courage and in the spirit of dialogue. Help us all to remain faithful to Your Word and obedient to Your will always.

This we ask through Christ, Our Lord.


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