50 HGC Foreclosed Properties For Sale as of August 15, 2017

Here’s the most updated list of HGC foreclosed properties for sale posted on their website and is updated as of August 15, 2017. Get more details and download the listing below.

A total of 50 foreclosed properties from the Home Guarantee Corporation (HGC) are included in this list.

hgc foreclosed properties for sale

The list includes HGC foreclosed properties from:

  • NCR (Manila)
  • CAR (Baguio City)
  • Region I (La Union, Pangasinan)
  • Region III (Bulacan, Bataan)
  • Region IV-A (Cavite, Batangas)

Please refer to the complete list below.

Download the listing of HGC foreclosed properties

Note: Foreclosed properties with “special concerns” are included on the list, and this includes those with unconsolidated titles, properties that have illegal occupants, and those that have a lis pendens (pending court case), or any combination thereof.

You may download a copy of the list of HGC foreclosed properties for sale:

How to purchase/what are the modes of payment?

These foreclosed properties from HGC are for sale via sealed bidding, and modes of payment are as follows:

  • Loan take-out/Bank financing
  • Installment
  • Rent-to-own

Complete instructions for buyers, and details for the modes of payment above as listed above, are available on the following page at HGC’s website:

Contact details

I couldn’t find any telephone numbers or email addresses inside the listing above, so I’ll just post the contact numbers from HGC’s contact page below:

Asset Management and Disposition Group
Vice President : (02) 897-3023 / 890-5520 / 895-9016 (telefax)
Marketing and Sales : (02) 895-9018 / 897-3286 / 897-3290 (telefax)
Asset Management : (02) 897-3234 / 896-0425 / 897-3231

Source: http://www.hgc.gov.ph/contactus.html

Here’s a reminder from HGC

HGC properties are sold on an “AS IS, WHERE IS” basis. Interested bidders are encouraged to conduct an independent evaluation of the properties through title verification and/or investigation of the physical and legal condition of the properties prior to submission of bids.

What is the Home Guarantee Corporation?

The Home Guaranty Corporation (HGC) is a government-owned and controlled corporation (GOCC) under the administrative supervision of the Housing and Urban Development Coordinating Council (HUDCC).

Since its creation in 1950 as the Home Financing Commission, HGC has institutionalized a viable system of credit guaranties that has become an integral component of the government’s shelter program.

HGC takes the risk out of private investment in housing by providing risk covers and fiscal incentives to housing credits extended by developers, banks and other financing institutions. The more HGC guarantees—the more private funds flow for housing and urban development.

With the enactment of Republic Act No. 8763, or the Home Guaranty Corporation Act of 2000, the authorized capital of HGC was increased from P2.5 billion to P50 billion and its corporate life extended to another 50 years.

Source: Home Guarantee Corporation official website

Happy hunting!

Full Disclosure: Nothing to disclose, we are not accredited real estate brokers of HGC. We are sharing their listings as a form of public service for all readers and subscribers.

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10 thoughts on “50 HGC Foreclosed Properties For Sale as of August 15, 2017”

  1. Vercelyn Javier Pura

    hi sr. jhay what should we do to know name of the owner of the abandoned house and lot near to my friends place they are thinking If they can apply it for a rent to own

    1. Hi Vercelyn, you can go to the tax mapping section at the city hall/municipal hall where the property is located, and provide the address of the abandoned house. You may tell them you are doing your due diligence and you need their help to verify who is the rightful owner of that property, as indicated in their tax map. They should be able to provide the tax declaration number which should indicate the name of the owners and also the title number (which you can use to get a certified true copy of the title, at the registry of deeds). Good luck!

  2. Hi jhay good day Im an OFW .. Im interested to buy properites from HGC , How can attend the said bidding since my vacation is 1 month only per year every april.

    thanks you

    1. Hi Mel, you can just assign someone to act as your attorney in fact and bid for you even if you are abroad through a consularized SPA (check with HGC the exact procedure). However, the challenge would be, how do you know the property is something you would want to buy? I always recommend that you personally inspect a property before deciding (para walang sisihan).

  3. Hi Mr. Jay! About HCG props? Are props subject for bidding? It means the prices indicated are not the exact price? I’m confused!

    1. Hi Kat, these properties from HGC are for sale through sealed bids, and the price on the list is the “indicative” or “asking” price. As with all sealed bids, the final price can go higher if there are bids higher than the indicative/asking price.

      For more details please visit: http://www.hgc.gov.ph/howtobuy_2016.html

      You may also contact HGC AMDG at telephone numbers 897-32-90 & 897-32-31 or visit the HGC office at the 4th Floor, Jade Building, 335 Sen. Gil Puyat Avenue, Makati City.

      Thank you.

  4. Abegail Villarazo

    H! Mr. Jay i saw your listing of foreclose property i want to inquire how can buy the foreclose property?

  5. Hi! Jay I’m a Real Estate Broker and i saw your listing of foreclose properties and i would like to sell it. Do you accept also another Broker for that? How it will go with regards to commission? Thank you. Teresit Go.

    1. Hi Ms. Tess, for now you can go directly to HGC, I believe they accredit real estate brokers. Thanks!

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