2 foreclosed real estate listings from UnionBank

Here are 2 foreclosed real estate listings from Unionbank which I got recently, courtesy of Mr. Lance Yadao, Asset Recovery Officer from UnionBank. The first listing includes properties for sale at their upcoming 160th Special Public Auction, and the second is the listing of foreclosed real estate they made available to attendees of the 2010 Housing Fair held recently at SM Megamall. Please continue reading for more details.

UnionBank’s 160th Special Public Auction on October 23, 2010

UnionBank’s 160th Special Public Auction of foreclosed properties will be held on October 23, 2010, Saturday, 9:00am, at the 28th floor, UnionBank Plaza, Meralco Ave. cor. Onyx Road., Ortigas Center, Pasif City Philippines. If you are wondering why this auction’s venue is not at the Philippine Columbian Sports Club, it appears that employees there are on strike. I noticed this when I passed by there yesterday.

Anyway, to get more details on the auction and to get the complete list of foreclosed properties for sale, please refer to the auction announcement below. (Click to enlarge)

UNIONBANK foreclosed real estate properties 160th auction oct 23 2010

UnionBank Foreclosed Real Estate listing from the Housing Fair 2010

I also have here the list of the foreclosed real estate properties that the nice people at the booth of Unionbank gave to visitors during the Philippine Housing Fair 2010 held last October 1-3, 2010 at the SM Megamall. Actually, they ran out of copies of this list when I visited the housing fair, but Lance Yadao of UnionBank quickly sent me a copy through e-mail when i requested for a copy. Please refer to the listing below for more details. (Click to enlarge)

UNIONBANK foreclosed real estate properties HOUSING FAIR 2010

Don’t forget to contact UnionBank directly through the contact details on each of the listings above if you have any inquiries. I myself would like to know more about the phrase “NO CREDIT CHECKING” which they included in both listings above. I’ll get more info about this in the following days.

Happy hunting!

To our success and financial freedom!

Jay Castillo
Real Estate Investor

Real Estate Broker License #: 20056
Blog: https://www.foreclosurephilippines.com
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Text by Jay Castillo and Cherry Castillo. Copyright ยฉ 2010 All rights reserved.

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4 thoughts on “2 foreclosed real estate listings from UnionBank”

  1. Hi, Sir Jay:

    Thank you very much for your continuous support to UNIONBANK by posting our listings.

    Most of the respondents came to know the property listings through FORECLOSURE PHILIPPINES!

    Thank you very much!!!

  2. Pingback: Tweets that mention 2 foreclosed real estate listings from UnionBank

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