There is a better way to make a living!

Update as of June 2, 2011 – After much thought, I have decided to leave Trace Trajano‘s local coaching program and my role as one of the local coaches. I would also like to inform everyone that I am not part of Trace’s other programs.

For those who don’t know, I was once a student of Trace, and I was also part of the team that won his first apprentice challenge, although I decided to leave the RYP team last September 2010. I became one of the local coaches as part of the now defunct Terrific Trio University. I also helped promote his seminars in the past including TRQ 1.0, TRQ 2.0, TRQ Cebu, his quick cash seminars, and the last one was TRQ 3.0.

It has also come to my attention that some materials that Trace used in marketing some of his seminars might make it appear that I am one of his partners. I would like to make it clear that I am not a business partner of Trace Trajano.

Things did not turn out as planned, but lessons have been learned, and I feel it is time for me to move on.  ~ end of update ~

Have you ever endured being away from your family just to make a living? Have you ever found yourself asking if all the money you make in exchange for the freedom to be with your loved ones was worth it? Do you find yourself asking if there was a better way to make a living?

I used to be an employee and although I was based here in the Philippines, I remember that I still found myself asking the very same questions above, even though I still get to come home to my family everyday. What more if you were an Overseas Filipino Worker (OFW) and had to live in a foreign land away from your family and loved ones just to make a living, with the belief that this is for their own good?

I had a taste of how OFW’s feel because in a way I became one when I was tasked to be part of a team that deployed an ERP system in Moscow, Russia. business-trip-to-moscow-russia-jay-with-terence-saint-peters-square-february-2003

During the first few days it was okay but as the days became weeks, feelings of doubt, homesickness, and anguish began to creep in. I stayed there for just about 2 months and I never went abroad for such assignments again, swearing I would never leave the Philippines just to make a living.

I would rather stay here in the Philippines and actually be with my loved ones. I guess deep inside I knew there is a better way.

There is a better way: The story of Bobet

If you have been reading the blog of Trace Trajano, best selling author of Think Rich Quick, you will recall the story of Bobet, just one of the countless Filipino nurses working abroad. Bobet worked overseas, was making good money, but really did not know much about managing his money.

While he was yet to receive his first paycheck, Bobet used borrowed money to buy doodads like a new cellphone. It was obvious that if Bobet did not change his ways in managing money, he would be doomed to working for money for the rest of his life.

Fortunately, Trace’s and Bobet’s paths crossed in the United States and Trace was able to explain to Bobet the secrets of wealth. Bobet was able to learn about passive income, the kind of income that comes in even if you didn’t work for it anymore as it is more like money working for you.

After Trace taught Bobet the concept of passive income, Bobet started a lending company, and then an internet café business in the Philippines. In a year, he became a millionaire. Soon afterwards, he opened his fifth internet café branch at SM in Bulacan. His lending business has also expanded and already operates both in the Philippines in the United States.

Yes, there is a better way! Trace mentored Bobet about the secrets of wealth and a year later he has become a millionaire. He no longer needs to work as a nurse in the U.S. He no longer misses his wife and kids. He can now kiss and hug them everyday. He has achieved in 1 year what most OFWs will never achieve in their lifetimes, unless they also learn the secrets of wealth.

To our financial freedom!

Jay Castillo

Real Estate Investor
Real Estate Broker License #: 20056
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Text by Jay Castillo. Copyright © 2010 All rights reserved.

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14 thoughts on “There is a better way to make a living!”

  1. hi

    Good Day…. I’m Telesforo from A vista Land Company young mga gusto po ng property around batangas just contact me ok paki visit po ang website nmin and youcan email me @ or call me @ +639293583077.
    I’m always ready to help you…

    Sincerely Yours,
    Telesforo Maaghop

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  9. ortigas condos for rent

    Hi Em, I think in order to learn better, you should attend to worthwhile seminars personally. In that way, you can achieve great learning and information about business success from professionals.

  10. Hi,

    I am an OFW but not in Philippines right now. Do you think, substitute/proxy is allowed? 🙂

    My sister to attend the seminar, instead of me?

    1. Hi Em, as far as I know, immediate family members would be allowed to attend in one’s place so I guess your sister should be okay.

  11. Pingback: Think Rich Quick Free Mini Seminar - Secrets of Wealth for the OFW.!

  12. Hi Jay, great post… This really touches me because I myself an Ex-OFW I know and I see what are the living conditions and sacrifices of an OFW. I hope and believe that this FREE Mini-seminar will help our OFW’s to step up and find a greater way to make a living… and designing a fruitful life…

    God Bless you…
    .-= Earth´s last blog .. =-.

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