2013 Real Estate Brokers Exam Results Released By The PRC

The Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) has just released the March 2013 Real Estate Brokers Exam Results. Only 1,928 out of 2,969 passed the Real Estate Brokers Exam, which translates to a passing rate of 64.94%.PRC-logo

The results were released eight (8) working days after the exam last March 17, 2013, a pretty long wait compared to past exams, which was made worse when PRC’s website was offline for several days prior to the release of the results.

The full text of the announcement of the results of the real estate brokers exam, complete list of passers, list of examinees who made it into the top 10, and performance of schools can be seen below.

March 2013 Real Estate Brokers Exam Results – PRC Announcement full text

Source: PRC announcement full text

March 2013 Real Estate Brokers Licensure Exam – List of successful examinees

Source: List of successful examinees from the PRC

March 2013 Real Estate Brokers Licensure Exam – Top Ten

Source: List of examinees who garnered the Top Ten Places from the PRC

Performance of schools

Source: Performance of schools from the PRC

Registration schedule and requirements

The PRC also announced that the registration for the issuance of Professional Identification Card (ID) and Certificate of Registration shall be from April 3, 2013 to April 5, 2013, at the Registration Division-Unit C, Ground Floor PRC Main Building.

Registration requirements

  • Duly accomplished Oath Form or Panunumpa ng Propesyonal
  • Current Community Tax Certificate (cedula)
  • 2 pieces passport size picture (colored with white background and complete nametag)
  • 1 piece 1” x 1” picture (colored with white background and complete nametag)
  • 2 sets of metered documentary stamps
  • 1 short brown envelope with name and profession
  • Original Surety Bond, minimum amount of which is P 20,000.00, with the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC)/Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board (HLURB) as Obligee
  • Initial Registration Fee of P600 and Annual Registration Fee of P450 for 2013-2016.

Successful examinees are reminded that they should personally register and sign in the Roster of Registered Professionals at the PRC. For a guide on how to register, please refer to the following article:

Oathtaking Ceremony

The date and venue for the oathtaking ceremony for the successful examinees in the 2013 Real Estate Brokers Exam will follow.

Congratulations to the new Licensed Real Estate Brokers!


To our success and financial freedom!

Jay Castillo

Real Estate Investor
PRC Real Estate Broker License No. 3194 
Blog: https://www.foreclosurephilippines.com
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Text by Jay Castillo and Cherry Castillo. Copyright © 2008 – 2013 All rights reserved.

Full disclosure: Nothing to disclose.

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20 thoughts on “2013 Real Estate Brokers Exam Results Released By The PRC”

  1. Hi Sir Jay! I’m one of the many who’ll be taking the exam this March. I wonder why the ratings of the topnotchers last year were relatively lower compared to that of the previous years. What was the “focus” of last year’s exam? They say that the 2011 exam focused on Ecology. Thank you in advance for your answer. More power to Foreclosure Philippines!

    1. Hi Jen, no need for “sir”. ๐Ÿ™‚

      Anyway, I’m also puzzled with the silence of exam takers. I hope someone can shed some light on this…

      1. Thanks for the answer, Jay. ๐Ÿ™‚ Would you suggest for us to answer some online review questions or will it only add confusion? Also, it was suggested by a lecturer for us to answer on the questionnaire first then later transfer the answers to the answer sheet once done. I’ve never done this before. Will it really help?

  2. Pingback: Our Top 10 Real Estate Investing Blog Posts For 2013

  3. Pingback: It's official: The 2013 Real Estate Brokers Exam will be on March 17, 2013 - ForeclosurePhilippines.com

  4. Pingback: March 2013 real estate brokers exam seminars and review centers - ForeclosurePhilippines.com

  5. Btw, when can I register w/ HLURB? I finished registering w/ PRC yesterday, but the ID’s will be handed at the oathtaking. Pwede na bang magpa-register even before getting the ID?

  6. Thanks Jay and Cherry! Your articles helped me in many ways.

    My Relatives loves to invest in Real Estate. Wala ako ka-alam alam sa industry na ito, kaya everytime we’ll buy properties, I always check out your site for some TIPS.

    I wouldn’t have taken REB Review if I hadn’t stumbled upon your website. Sayang naman ng opportunity to earn so I took the Exam and gladly, I made it! But right now I don’t know what to do next. Read Cherry recent articles and will follow her tips.

    1. That makes two of us! Like you, I’m glad to have stumbled upon this site. Inspired me to take up the review and the exam, & thankful that I also made it!

      I also do not have any experience in both sales (aside from my previous job as a call center agent relating to sales, w/c I don’t think counts!) & real estate. So like you, I only have little idea on where to go next! LOL. Reading mam Cherry’s article helped. I’m also waiting for sir Jay’s article.

      Btw, congrats!

  7. Hi Jay!

    Great blog! Followed the 20 tips to top the REB exam and it was really a great help in passing the exam. Your articles regarding taxation were really helpful and i used them for my review because they are easy to understand. Looking forward to your longer and hard hitting blog entry regarding tips for new REB.


  8. carla e sollesta

    Hello Jay ,
    My goodness I did it! I really can’t believe it. Hindi na ako umasa, dahil the exam was very tough. I would like to thank you and your wife for this website. Your wife’s article on topping the exam really help. Well, of course i did not made it to the top ten, but my last study on the links given by her, helped a lot especially those on the real estate taxes. Thanks again. Continue to be a blessing to others.

    1. Hi Carla, congratulations! I’m glad my wife’s tips were helpful, I had to pester her to finish writing that article. ๐Ÿ™‚

  9. Hi Jay! Question regarding surety bonds. Do you know about “SureXty Bond”? I mean is this legit? They offer P1850. They handed out forms kasi upon entering nung exam day.

    Is Alpha Insurance & Surety still offering this service?

    BTW, I still extend my thanks to you & this site. Ito naging sparkplug sakin to take the exam! So I’m gonna get my license, then practice.

    Any tips for a complete newbie like me? lol

    1. Hi Omar, I heard about SureXty and it seems they are legit. Alpha insurance should still be offering surety bonds but I don’t have their contact info to confirm.

      Glad to be of help… congratulations!

      My wife wrote an article about her tips for new brokers (check it out: 5 Tips for New Real Estate Brokers ), I’ll finish writing my own soon, which is longer and more “hard-hitting”. ๐Ÿ˜‰

      1. Great article! Thanks to you both!

        I’ll be expecting that hard-hitting article of yours. As a newbie, I’m expecting the worst in this line of business. Better to have a heads up!

  10. Pingback: 423 Real Estate Salespersons' Accreditation Approved By The PRBRES - ForeclosurePhilippines.com

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