Congratulations to the 3 winners for our Ultimate Guide to Property Investing Giveaway!

We already have the 3 winners for our Ultimate Guide to Property Investing Giveaway! A total of 180 people joined and submitted 917 entries. Thanks again to everyone who joined. The complete list of winners can be found below.

3 copies of ultimate guide to property investing from Alabang Town Center National Book Store and Powerbooks
The 3 copies of the MoneySense Ultimate Guide to Property Investing. We bought these at the Alabang Town Center branches of National Book Store and Powerbooks.

And the winners are…

  • Allan Silorio
  • Martin Lu
  • Stanley Chny
Winners for the Ultimate Guide to Property Investing
A screenshot of the winners chosen randomly through rafflecopter/

Congratulations to all the winners! Please reply to the email I sent you so we can send your prize through LBC.

A special giveaway to all our e-mail subscribers…

As promised, I will be giving a special prize to all our e-mail subscribers and I will be sending the download link within 48 hours after this post.

It is an e-book copy of one of my articles included in the MoneySense Ultimate Guide to Property Investing, but in checklist format. It should serve as a handy reference when you do your due diligence and property inspections. We hope this will help you with your real estate investing in 2013.

Happy learning… and investing!


Wishing you all a most prosperous new year!

Jay Castillo

Real Estate Investor
PRC Real Estate Broker License No. 3194 
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Text by Jay Castillo and Cherry Castillo. Copyright © 2008 – 2013 All rights reserved.

Full disclosure: Nothing to disclose. This is our way of saying thank you to all our readers and subscribers for the past 4 years, and this is also our Christmas and New Year treat! 😉

P.S. – If you will notice, we have changed our website theme. Please report any bugs through our facebook page, or just leave a comment on the page/post where you saw the problem. Thanks!

Avoid losing money, wasted time and effort caused by buying foreclosed properties that have too many problems, with our free 60-item Property Due Diligence Checklist. Grab your free copy now.

12 thoughts on “Congratulations to the 3 winners for our Ultimate Guide to Property Investing Giveaway!”

  1. Hi Jay C;

    Will the downloadable special article be sent via email? Pardon, but I havent received one yet; i just hope that i didnt miss out on this. ๐Ÿ™‚

    By the way, i have also received push emails from your previous associate. He has put up his own site it appears, & may have copied the addresses from yours.

    The new look appears more formal than before. Although i miss the logo, which i think was an eye-catcher.

    Best wishes for the New Year.

    Jay B

    1. Hi jay B! The expanded checklist was sent to all email subscribers yesterday, so far 795 people have downloaded it as I write this. Let me check your e-mail in my feedblitz account if there were any problems, but I’ll send a copy directly to you in a private email.

      With regards to that person you referred to, thanks for the heads-up. Either he really has no idea what he’s doing, or he’s clueless of what ethics means. Unless you opted-in his email list, adding you to his email list is simply spamming (this is a covered by the Cybercrime Prevention act of 2012). I also receive emails from him and I never opted-in his email list, I will no longer expound on his copying of the email address, all I can say is there was definitely an element of deceit in what he did to me. Other than that, he has also copied original content from here in verbatim (I already wrote a demand letter to him but I think he does not understand what verbatim means) and he owes me. Anyway, I’ll just let the authorities do their job. ๐Ÿ˜‰

      With regards to the new look, it’s still the default setting and I need to customize it, but this paves the way for a lot of improvements here… you’ll see…

      By the way, when you mentioned logo, do you mean the blue icon that appears at the web browsers tab which is now replaced by a G? Still figuring out how to change it.

      Happy New Year to you too, wishing you all the best!

          1. Unfortunately I haven’t. Anyway, I don’t want to be pesky about it & bother you further. Must be some system glitch or something. Thanks.

            1. No problem, I have just resent it. Please check your inbox. If it’s not there, please check your spam folder too. Please let me know if you found it or not. Thanks!

  2. i been following your articles for the past year, hopefully i could get also the e copy of yours. I love reading foreclosure investing here in Doha.

    May you publish more informative articles in this year 2013! A blessed new year Jay! thumbs up…

    1. Hi Andy, you will surely receive a copy of my article/checklist, just make sure you subscribed with a valid email address. I’ll send it through email through my autoresponder (feedblitz), that’s the only way I can send the download link to 14,000+ people. Best regards and thank you for patiently reading our articles, happy new year to you and everyone there at Doha!

    1. Thanks Liza! Haven’t had the chance to organize it yet though. Just to give you an idea, we will introduce changes that will make browsing the site as easy as reading a book. ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. Pingback: Giveaway: The Ultimate Guide to Property Investing

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