45th RCBC Foreclosed Properties Auction To Be Held On May 25, 2013

Rizal Commercial Banking Corporation (RCBC) shall be conducting their 45th foreclosed properties auction on May 25, 2013, Saturday, at 9:00am. The venue of the public auction shall be the 6th Floor, Development Academy of the Philippines (DAP) Building, San Miguel Avenue, Pasig City, Philippines.

rcbc foreclosed properties auction may 25 2013
The 45th RCBC Property Auction shall be held on May 25, 2013

Up for grabs are RCBC foreclosed properties located in Metro Manila, Rizal, Luzon, and the Visayas areas.

Foreclosed property details

I would like to commend RCBC for having the most complete set of information for the foreclosed properties included in the auction, and how I wish all banks will have the same information ready for interested parties.

57 out of the 58 properties on the list have property profiles, most of which also include pictures, lot plans, and vicinity maps, which we have included in our foreclosed properties database.

Foreclosed Properties Database

Speaking of our foreclosed properties database, it now includes 662 properties from three (3) banks.

I apologize for not being able to add more listings sooner as we are quite busy with urgent matters (my siblings and I are taking turns to take care of our mom who is still undergoing rehab after her successful partial-hip replacement surgery, and we are also working on our own real estate deals, etc.).

Anyway, to access the RCBC foreclosed properties in our database, just click on the following link:

While you are there, you can also search our database for properties that exactly fit your needs (just use the search widget at the right side bar).

By the way, keep in mind that we have just launched the database last week, so please be patient as I am just beginning to upload listings from more banks.

How to inquire

If you find any property on the list that interest you, just inquire through the inquiry form within the details page of each property. Keep in mind that the auction is already this coming Saturday, May 25, 2013. Thank you to those who have expressed interest in joining the public auction and we look forward to assisting you as your real estate broker.

Happy hunting!


To our success and financial freedom!

Jay Castillo

Real Estate Investor
PRC Real Estate Broker License No. 3194 
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Text by Jay Castillo and Cherry Castillo. Copyright © 2008 – 2012 All rights reserved.

Full disclosure: I am an accredited real estate broker of  RCBC.

Avoid losing money, wasted time and effort caused by buying foreclosed properties that have too many problems, with our free 60-item Property Due Diligence Checklist. Grab your free copy now.

8 thoughts on “45th RCBC Foreclosed Properties Auction To Be Held On May 25, 2013”

  1. hi jay,
    I have acquired my family home from your foreclosure listing under star asset in 2011. Your blog has helped me a lot in making my choice and preparing myself to embark on the adventure. Today, I want to thank you for all the lessons that have helped me make my due diligence, win the auction and eventually get my dream house at a price I could afford. Thank you.

    1. Hi Ms. Rose, you’re most welcome and thanks a lot for sharing your “adventure” with us, and I am very happy for you and your family. Your comment just made my day, thanks again!

      I hope it will inspire other people to take action.

    1. Hi Jen, it means the property is still under the name of the Rural Bank of San Juan (RBSJ) and it is still occupied by the former owner or informal settlers/illegal occupants.

  2. Hi Jay,

    I recently put up a Real Estate Lessor company and I would like to ask you and your wife if you do consultancy.

    Can you please give us a call here
    9218421 (Dr JB Avila)

    Thank you

  3. Hi Sir Jay,
    How can we view the complete list of properties included in the coming RCBC auction. I can’t find a tab to refine the list by bank or is there like a single list solely from RCBC( just like the old way where we can view the newspaper-like lis? 🙂 )


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