This property is included in the latest list of Cantilan Bank foreclosed properties that are for negotiated sale, updated as of 2024-December-11. More details below.
Property details
- Property Source: Cantilan Bank
- Property ID No.: 017-076
- Lot Area (sqms.): 1,189.00
- Floor Area (sqms.): 252.00
- City/Municipality: Abuyog
- Province: Leyte
- Classification: Residential Lot with Building
- Date of Appraisal: 21-Dec-2023
- Price: 4,423,500.00
- TCT Number: 08-01027-00394
- Status of TCT: For TD Consolidation
- Remarks: Occupied with contract
- All properties are sold on an “as-is, where-is” basis.
- All offers are subject to approval by Cantilan Bank, Inc.
- Prices listed are valid for six (6) months and may change without prior notice.
- Buyers are responsible for conducting due diligence on the property’s physical and legal conditions.”
Contact Info
For inquiries, please contact Cantilan Bank directly through their contact info below:
Contact Person: Mr. Joy P. Cosmiano – ROPA Department Head
Contact Numbers
- Smart: 0963 972 7891
- Email:
Steps for acquiring ROPA properties with Payment Terms
Here’s a brief overview of the buying process. (As always, only proceed with the purchase if you have done Proper Due Diligence).
Step 1: Identify Properties you are interested in
- Buyer should browse through the list and identify properties you are interested in.
Step 2: Contact Cantilan Bank for Details
- Buyers should reach out directly to Cantilan Bank for property information, payment terms, and to schedule an ocular inspection, etc.
Step 3: Conduct Due Diligence
- Buyers are encouraged to conduct personal inspections and verify the title or tax declarations. Buyers abroad may delegate this to a trusted relative but are advised to inspect personally if possible.
Step 4: Select Payment Terms
- Cash Basis/Outright Sales
- 100% Full Payment – The total purchase price shall be paid in full upon offer approval
- Sales Contract/ Installment
- 50% Partial Payment – To be paid upon execution of the contract
- 50% Monthly Amortization – The remaining 50% shall be amortized monthly over one (1) year with an additional interest rate of 15% per annum.
- Note: Interested SCR buyers will undergo an assessment of their capacity to pay and are subject to management approval
Step 5: Submit an Offer
- Offers are processed on a “first-come, first-served” basis.
- Required documents:
For Cash Basis
- Letter of Intent
- Valid ID with three specimen signatures
- Proof of Income or Other Source of Income
For Sales Contract/Installment
- Letter of Intent
- Valid ID with three specimen signatures
- Proof of Income or Other Source of Income
- Proof of Billing
Step 6: Wait for the offer to get approved/disapproved
The bank will contact you with the status of your offer
View the complete list of Cantilan Bank foreclosed properties
To view the entire list of foreclosed properties in this update, you may visit the following page:
==> Cantilan Bank Foreclosed Properties for sale
Last updated on: 2024-December-11 with file Cantilan-Bank-foreclosed-properties-2024-December-11-compressed_.pdf
Source: Cantilan Bank, Inc.