Don’t be a stupid real estate investor!

I hope that got your attention! As we start a brand new year, I’m sure a lot of you have a lot of New Year resolutions and plans.  There’s really nothing wrong with that. However, I can’t help but throw the same question to you as I did to myself, when I started to make plans for the new year. Actually, I am throwing the same question not just to real estate investors, but also to just about everyone who happens to read this. Let me try to explain below.

Do you have the same plans because you didn’t do them?

Are any of your plans for the coming year the same plans that you made last year? If you actually failed to do some of them, then I guess it would okay to have the same plans, as long as you never really got around to doing them.

Maybe  you were just too lazy or out of focus(ouch!!!).

Do you have the same plans because you think you can do better?

However, if you did manage to do what you planned to do, but did not get the results that you wanted, then maybe it’s time to consider other ways or strategies. Don’t get me wrong, I didn’t mean that you should give up, what I meant was that maybe there’s a better way to achieve your goals or objectives.

If you believe that things did not work out the way they should for something, then ask yourself “How can I make this work?”, a question I often hear when listening to Robert Kiyosaki’s audio books. That something could be about getting started in real estate investing or finding more real estate deals, it could be about things getting better at work, it could be about your plan to lose weight (ouch again!!!), that something can be just about anything.

What’s important is that if you realize that you are not getting the results that you want, then by all means, sit down, think it over, learn a lesson or two, then go ahead and do things differently. Don’t make the mistake of doing the same things expecting things to be different…

After all,

“We all know the definition of stupidity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” – as quoted from Robert Kiyosaki’s book – Conspiracy of The Rich.

I wish everyone a successful new year!

Jay Castillo
Real Estate Investor
Real Estate Broker License #: 20056
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Text by Jay Castillo. Copyright © 2009 All rights reserved.

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8 thoughts on “Don’t be a stupid real estate investor!”


    so you’ve been reading robert kiyosaki too….nice site you have here….congrats…..and Godspeed…-japs MD

  2. Hi Jay;

    Just wanna share with you my thoughts about last year and my outlook for 2010

    2009 was very good to me. I got hold of my first significant real estate deal and streamlined the process of leasing out my other property in Bulacan. These activities were made possible by reading a lot from Kiyosaki, Maxwell and Larry Gamboa and by reading the contents of your site.

    As I enter 2010, I am now ready to enter the exciting world of foreclosed properties. I am very optimistic that I will be able to get a great deal this year since I am armed with all the information I need and I have conditioned my mind to continually learn more. I even set aside my Friday nights, which normally before was for gimiks, to read books, update my finanacial files and browse thru foreclosed properties. Hopefully I would get a chance to talk about these with people with the same interests

    So to those interest in someone to talk to about real estate investing and personal financial literacy, I am more than glad to discuss it with you. I normally hang out at Bo’s Coffee Club in Katipunan every Friday night. Just look for the bald guy fronting a laptop with head phones 🙂

    Thanks again Jay for continually sharing with us


    1. Hi Benny!

      Thank you for sharing your successes in 2009 and plans for 2010! I can’t help but say that I am very impressed and i am also very happy for you.

      It takes a huge amount of discipline and determination to do what you did and what you plan to do, congratulations!

      Yes, it would be great to have coffee with you one Friday night at katipunan and meet you in person. Anyone else want to join?!

      Thanks you Benny and I look forward to meeting you soon!

      1. Em I too late already guys? please count me in to your meetings, kindly give me an update to you guys I have also little something to share as well, and maybe give some other ideas might help to us.


      here is my cp# 09109670605….am also willing to share ideas. text text tayo…im here in bicol….kalbo rin ako hehehe…i just find it difficult to discuss financial matters with others except my wife and my kuya….ala lang tol….robert kiyosaki make sense, so is trump, so are jp morgan… by the way im a physician…I already failed 6 times sa tinayo ko na business’s, the last one was break even lang…i have 3 more failures to go based on statistics….whewwww…twas hard, but atleast ive learned a lot sa “B” quadrant…..-japs M.D.

    3. Benny,
      Sounds very interesting, I want to know the in-and-out being a real estate investor through foreclosed/auctioned properties. Hope to hear from you very soon.

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