July 4, 2013 Auction Of Quezon City Tax Delinquent Properties Slated

The Office of the Treasurer of Quezon City shall be conducting a tax foreclosure auction of tax delinquent real properties on July 4, 2013, Thursday, 10:00am, at the Ground Floor, Taxpayer’s Assessment and Payment Lounge, City Hall Complex, Quezon City, Philippines.

The official seal of Quezon City in the Philippines
The official seal of Quezon City via Wikipedia

Again, this quarter’s public auction of tax delinquent properties are to be conducted by virtue of Sections 260 and 263 of RA 7160, otherwise known as the Local Government Code of 1991.

Prospective bidders are reminded to bring the required ten thousand pesos (Php 10,000) as cash bond for the bidding, which is refundable in case of non-winning bids.

Complete listing of Quezon City tax delinquent real properties

The complete listing of Quezon City Tax Delinquent Properties as published in major newspapers last June 24, 2013 can be seen below.

Enlarge to view or click the following download link: Quezon City Tax Delinquent Properties For Auction on July 4, 2013

For more details about the tax delinquent properties for public auction (as part of your due diligence), and to learn more about the auction process, please contact the Quezon City Treasurer’s office DIRECTLY.

Keep in mind that it currently takes more than a week to get certified true copies of titles in Quezon City (despite the LRA’s computerization project), and you only have 9 days to due your due diligence before the auction.

Happy hunting!


To our success and financial freedom!

Jay Castillo

Real Estate Investor
PRC Real Estate Broker License No. 3194 
Blog: https://www.foreclosurephilippines.com
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Text by Jay Castillo and Cherry Castillo. Copyright © 2008 – 2012 All rights reserved.

Full disclosure: Nothing to disclose.

P.S. –  Sorry guys, I haven’t been able to post anything here for almost 3 weeks until now. After speaking at the Manila Real Estate Forum 2013, I got sick, and I just had to get some much needed rest. Anyway, when I was well enough, I started updating the site’s “look and feel” to pave the way for our forum for real estate investors in the Philippines (target live date is July 1, 2013), aside from uploading listings in our database.

By the way, we now have 2,669 foreclosed properties in our database with an aggregate selling price of over Php 13 Billion, coming from just 10 banks (19 more to go!). Check out the database at https://www.foreclosurephilippines.com/database 

Avoid losing money, wasted time and effort caused by buying foreclosed properties that have too many problems, with our free 60-item Property Due Diligence Checklist. Grab your free copy now.

11 thoughts on “July 4, 2013 Auction Of Quezon City Tax Delinquent Properties Slated”

  1. Hi Jay,

    Our next door office condominium has not been occupied ever since it has been built. I tried to locate the owner who is a corporation since I am interested to buy it but can’t no longer be found. I believe the company is no longer existing and the property is already abandoned. Can I acquire the property through Tax Delinquent Property Auction? I have with me the Tax Declaration.

    Please advise what to do.

    Thanks and best regards,


    1. lucky,
      since u have the tax declaration, u can check how many years they have not been paying their realty tax, but then it still depends on the city/municipality the property is located. What I mean is each city conducts their auction on different durations, for example the last time Makati held their auction was 2006. Quezon City I believe conducts their auction quarterly. So u need a lot of PATIENCE.


  2. Hi Mr. Jay,
    Are the prices listed here the minimum bid amount? Since the auction’s done how can we still bid on a property? Where do we see how many square meters the property is and how long it has been delinquent?

    Thank you!

    1. Hi Mr. Kat,

      Yes, those are the minimum bid amounts. Unfortunately, properties that remain unsold are no longer available to the public and are now properties of the local government, subject to the mandatory 1-year redemption period.

      As to the size, you can find it on the tax declaration but you will have to go to the City Assessor’s office to get a copy.

      The number of years of delinquency can be found on the “Years” column of the list, third column from the right.

      Thanks for dropping by.

  3. Hi Mr. Mon and Don, sorry but I was not able to get a hardcopy of the list and I was forced to use a digital version of the Philippine Star to get the list I shared above. I already made enhancements to the PDF file so that most of the information is still readable, just download or view it in full-screen through scribd.

    Anyway, if anyone out there has a hardcopy of the list, please do let me know so we can meetup and then I can make a better digitized version with my scanner for everyone, or you can just send me a clearer scanned copy and I’ll replace the one I posted here. Thanks in advance!

  4. Hi! sir Jay thanks to your educational site very informative helping me to buy property here soon when I save some money for downpayment hehehe, good work and more power. . . God Bless

    1. Hi Linda, you’re welcome and thank you also for the kind words! Oh by the way, for tax delinquent properties, you will have to pay for the whole amount in cash, but the whole amount is usually smaller than the downpayment of bank foreclosed properties. Happy investing!

  5. Bienvenida B. Roaring

    I would like to inquire whether you do have foreclosure homes within Metro Manila and my budget is less than a million peso, thank you

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