Manually Issued Land Titles Not Yet Digitized By September 30, 2018 To Remain Valid – LRA

lra deadline to convert to etitles

I was relieved to find out that all our manually issued land titles shall remain valid and effective beyond September 30, 2018. This is according to a notice to the public released by the Land Registration Authority or LRA. For your reference, the full text can be found below.

Why the concern?

I was concerned after reading facebook posts about this from friends in the real estate industry, with regard to an LRA notice published last July 31, 2018. It mentioned that September 30, 2018 was the deadline to digitize/scan all manually issued titles (titles that are orange). Here’s an excerpt of the said  LRA notice:

Excerpt of LRA notice published last July 31, 2018
Excerpt of LRA notice published last July 31, 2018

Because of the notice above, I thought I had to rush and convert all our orange titles into e-titles at the concerned RD’s.

For your reference, let me show to you below how the old titles (manually issued) and the new eTitles look like.

Here’s a scanned copy of an old manually issued title we have:

Sample manually issued title with orange borders
Sample manually issued title with orange borders


Here’s a picture of one our e-Title’s:

Sample eTitle
Sample eTitle

The September 30, 2018 deadline is only for RD’s

Turns out the September 30, 2018 deadline was only for the Registries of Deeds (RD’s) with regard to finishing with digitizing/scanning titles they have that are not yet in their database, as per latest LRA supplemental notice. Please refer to a copy of it below.

LRA Supplemental Notice To The Public (September 7, 2018)

Here’s the supplemental notice from LRA’s website:

(You need to scroll down to read the whole notice which is in PDF format, or just download a copy)

==> Click here if you want to download a copy

Source: LRA Website

Note: You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader to view PDF files, which is free to download at

The notice also provides steps on how we can verify if our orange titles have been digitized, and what to do just in case they haven’t. From what I understand, you just have to get a certified true copy of the title and they (the people at the RD) will scan/digitize it.


This photo taken by my wife at the Registry of Deeds in Manila confirms that the deadline does not apply to the public, and there is no deadline to convert manually issued titles to eTitles.

Walang deadline sa eTitle, kumuha lang ng certified true copy
“Walang deadline sa eTitle, kumuha lang ng certified true copy”. Photo taken by Atty. Cherry Vi Castillo at the Registry of Deeds Manila last September 28, 2018.

I hope this clears up the confusion

With the supplemental notice to the public that comes directly from the LRA, I hope this will clear up any confusion/misinformation out there.

Just the same, if you still have old and manually issued orange titles, better to have them converted ASAP. Of course, you still need to keep them in a safe place like a safety deposit box with your bank.


P.S. Iโ€™m really close to re-opening our โ€œHow to buy profitable foreclosed properties (that are profitable)โ€ training. Iโ€™ll re-open enrollment in early October 2018. But before I do, I have to ask you a couple of questions. Can you help me out? You can answer the questions (and get a little more information about the training) at the following link:


~Jay Castillo

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