Nationwide listing of BDO foreclosed properties and repossessed cars as of July 2012

Note: The most updated listings of Banco De Oro (BDO) foreclosed properties can be found through this link: BDO foreclosed properties. The listing below is outdated but you may still access it for reference purposes.

I just got this updated listing of BDO foreclosed properties for sale as of July 30, 2012 and this includes foreclosed properties from Metro Manila, Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao. This list is courtesy of Ms. Mary Jean Reyes, of the BDO Asset Management Group. Thanks again to Ms. Jean for sending us this updated list.

Properties on the list include residential foreclosed properties which include house and lots, condominiums, and vacant lots. It also has commercial foreclosed properties which include commercial properties with improvements, condominium units, and vacant lots. Industrial vacant lots and with improvements are also included on the list.

BDO foreclosed properties july 2012

Payment terms

Minimum downpayment: 30% of the selling price, with the balance payable through bank financing.

Reservation fee: A reservation fee equal to 5% of the selling price is required when submitting an offer. The reservation fee is refundable just in case the offer is disapproved. If the offer is approved, the reservation fee will form part of the downpayment which means only an additional 25% would be needed to complete the 30% downpayment.

Payment term: Up to 5 years to pay

Interest rate: The prevailing interest rate is at 12% per year fixed for the whole payment term of 5 years.

Can buyers get financing from Pag-IBIG or other banks? Yes, they allow loan take-out to Pag-IBIG or other banks, but the buyer must agree to the payment terms of BDO initially and start paying for the corresponding monthly amortizations, while the loan with Pag-IBIG or other banks is being processed. (To compute for monthly amortizations, you can use our mortgage calculator).

Download the complete list of BDO foreclosed properties/repossessed cars for sale

Note: The most updated listings of Banco De Oro (BDO) foreclosed properties can be found through this link: BDO foreclosed properties. The listing below is outdated but you may still access it for reference purposes.

BDO repossessed cars

Aside from foreclosed properties, the listing above also includes more than 300 pre-owned / repossessed cars from BDO.

Who to contact to get more information

To get more information, you may directly contact Ms. Mary Jean V. Reyes of the BDO Asset Management Group through the telephone numbers below.

  • 0917-8515805
  • 975-5716
  • 702-7038

or you can also visit their office at:

  • BDO Asset Management Group / Sales Department – 25/F, Pacific Star Building, Sen. Gil Puyat Ave., corner Makati Avenue, Makati City, Philippines (look for Ms. Jean)

By the way, we apologize for not being able to handle inquiries for the previous list of foreclosed properties from BDO. I just posted that listing last June 5, 2012 and then complications with my wife’s pregnancy started last June 9, 2012.

Anyway, for this listing, you may contact BDO directly, but we would appreciate it if you can mention to Ms. Jean that you got this listing from Jay Castillo (that’s me!) of Thank you for the support.

Reminders – Please read


  • Sale shall be on “as is where is” basis.
  • Prices are subject to change without prior notice.
  • All offers are subject to Management approval.
  • Interest rates are based on prevailing rate at time of availment.
  • Lease offers welcome for all condominium units listed except those under “With Authority to Sell”. Please call for price.
  • Where applicable, prices are exclusive of VAT


Happy hunting!


To our success and financial freedom!

Jay Castillo

Real Estate Investor
PRC Real Estate Broker License No. 3194 
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Text by Jay Castillo and Cherry Castillo. Copyright © 2008 – 2012 All rights reserved.

Full disclosure: I am an accredited real estate broker of BDO Asset Management Group and I may receive referral fees (at absolutely no additional cost to the buyer). Thank you in advance for supporting our hard work and this website.

Disclaimer: The properties above are for sale on an “as is where is basis”. All are advised to do the necessary due diligence before entering into a binding commitment financially or otherwise in relation to any of the listings of foreclosed properties for sale that are  published in Inadvertent misprints shall not alter the factual condition of any property published in, nor shall they be deemed as misrepresentation.

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14 thoughts on “Nationwide listing of BDO foreclosed properties and repossessed cars as of July 2012”

    1. Hi John, we have a list from BDO that was sent to us earlier today. We just need to verify some information and then we’ll publish it here. Thanks!

  1. hi jay,
    is there an email ad for the contact person from bdo for the foreclosed properties? i am interested in the allegro homes subdivision, calamba laguna list. i want to know if it is still available so i can choose from the list of allegro homes….thank u po.

  2. hi jay:) i would like to ask if this property is still available ” Lot 10, Block 7, Knight Alley corner Duchess Streets, Royal Valley Subdivision, Brgy. Bangkal, Davao City (WITH OFFER)

    1. Hi Gendawson, we’ll check if the offer was accepted or not and get back to you asap. Thanks for the inquiry!

  3. hi jay,

    been reading some of your post for the foreclosure properties, im still checking on the details of the bidding and stuff, just want to ask what is the latest list of foreclose properties? i might be checking links and might be interested in some properties only to find out that they were already sold.

    thanks for your time

    carlo jan

    1. Hi Carlo, the most updated lists are those at the Home Page or just visit The latest are at the top (they are sorted newest to oldest) and you can even see the date they were posted. You can also see the related posts at the bottom of each post and see if there are newer lists. Of course, it also follows that the most updated listings are the latest sent through e-mail (if you subscribed to e-mail alerts).

  4. I love to read about real estate in other countries. I live in the US in the state of Maryland and the real estate market is steady. In Ocean City MD there is a rise in homes being sold because of the time of year and many people are looking to buy vacation homes.

    Do you invest in other countries?

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