PHILGUARANTEE Foreclosed Properties Bidding: 2022-August-09

Sealed bidding slated on August 9, 2022 for over 200 PHILGUARANTEE foreclosed properties in NCR and provincial locations. Complete list and other details below.

Philguarantee Foreclosed Properties Sealed Bidding on August 9, 2022

Luckily, I was able to see this list before the deadline for submission of bids, which is on August 9, 2022 (Tuesday), 2:00 pm.

I open a lot of listing websites almost everyday (including Philguarantee’s), and I hope it was just me who overlooked their updated list (If this is the case, I apologize for the delay in sharing this list).

In the past, I only see their listings AFTER the deadline for submission of bids.

Still, I feel a bit concerned because I believe interested buyers should have more time to do proper due diligence.

In my opinion, having less than a week for due diligence is just too short… don’t you agree?

I notice this is becoming a very bad trend nowadays where the window for due diligence is becoming less and less. For example, with Pag-IBIG, you only have 2 weeks after they release listings until the deadline for submission of bids/offers (this is true for listings under their NCR branch). 🙁

I miss those good ol’ days when foreclosed listings/schedules were released to the public at least a month in advance before the deadline for bids/offers.

Sorry for my rant, now back to the listing…

A total of 205 foreclosed properties from the Philippine Guarantee Corporation or PHILGUARANTEE (formerly Home Guaranty Corporation or HGC) are included in this list. There are actually more, but some properties must be purchased together.

The list includes foreclosed properties from:

  • NCR (Las Pinas, Makati, Manila, Quezon City)
  • Region I (La Union, Pangasinan)
  • Region III (Bulacan, Bataan, Nueva Ecija, Pampanga)
  • Region IV-A (Batangas, Cavite, Rizal)
  • Region V (Sorsogon, Catanduanes, Camarines Sur)
  • Region VII (Cebu)
  • Region XI (Davao Del Norte)

Please refer to the complete list below.

View list of PHILGUARANTEE foreclosed properties

For easy searching/filtering, I uploaded the entire list to my foreclosed real estate database.

==> Click for all PHILGUARANTEE foreclosed properties inside our database

Alternately, you may also download a copy of the list in PDF format below:

philguarantee hgc foreclosed properties sealed bidding 2022 08 09 thumbnail

==> Click to download Notice of Sale as of August 1, 2022 FINAL 2.1.pdf

Reminder: You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader to view PDF files, which is free to download at

Payment modes for PHILGUARANTEE foreclosed properties

These foreclosed properties from PHILGUARANTEE are for sale via sealed bidding, and modes of payment are as follows:

  1. Outright Cash
  2. Proceeds of Financing by Bank/Financial Institution
  3. Installment scheme
  4. Rent-to-Own Program – applicable only to properties under Category B (properties with illegal occupants)

Please refer to a copy of the general guidelines below for more details:

How to buy/avail PHILGUARANTEE foreclosed properties


1. The sale of the properties is on an “AS-IS, WHERE-IS” basis. Prospective bidders are advised to inspect the properties to determine their physical condition and check the titles and the corresponding tax declarations (TDs) as there are properties that have one or all of the following characteristics: (a) have illegal occupant/s; (b) titles/TDs still in the name/s of the previous owner/s and for transfer in the name of Philippine Guarantee Corporation (PHILGUARANTEE); and (c) titles with liens and encumbrances or with annotation of “lis pendens”.

2. Bid documents can be secured from the PHILGUARANTEE’s Asset Sales and Disposition Department (ASDD), located at the 4th Floor, Jade Building, 335 Sen. Gil Puyat Avenue, Makati City or downloaded from the PHILGUARANTEE website at

3. A bid security equivalent to 10% of the bid price shall be paid in cash or manager’s check prior to the scheduled date of opening of bids, at the PHILGUARANTEE Cashier’s Office located at the 2nd Floor Jade Building, 335 Sen. Gil Puyat Avenue, Makati City. Prior to paying, the prospective bidder shall secure a Payment Acceptance Order (PAO) from the ASDD.

A photocopy of the PHILGUARANTEE Official Receipt/validated on-line payment covering the bid security shall be included in the bid proposal and dropped at the bid box referred in item no. 6 hereof. The bid securities of disapproved purchase proposals shall be refunded immediately upon award of the property to the winning bidder. Bid security paid by the winning bidder shall form part of the required down payment for the sale.

4. Terms of Payment

All properties can be paid either through outright cash, from proceeds of financing by bank/financial institution, or through installment.

4.1 Outright Cash

The winning bidder shall be required to remit full payment of the bid price of the property within sixty (60) days from receipt of Notice of Award of Sale (NOAS).

4.2 Proceeds of Financing by Bank/Financial Institution

4.2.1 A minimum downpayment of 10% of the bid price shall be required from the winning bidder to be paid within five (5) working days from receipt of NOAS.

4.2.2 The winning bidder shall execute a Contract to Sell (CTS) with PHILGUARANTEE for a term of ten (10) years with interest at 6% to 12% per annum depending on the awarded bid price while awaiting release of the loan proceeds. The winning bidder shall pay the required monthly amortization under the CTS until the proceeds of the loan is remitted to PHILGUARANTEE within six (6) months.

4.2.3 The winning bidder shall be required to submit a Letter of Guaranty (LOG)/ Notice of Loan Approval (NLOA) issued by a bank/financial institution within sixty (60) days from the execution of the CTS. The winning bidder shall remit the loan proceeds covering full payment of the property within one hundred eighty (180) days from the execution of CTS.

4.2.4 In the event that the loan proceeds are not remitted to PHILGUARANTEE within the 180 days period, full payment of the outstanding balance shall be required.

4.2.5 The authority to move in/occupy the property shall only be issued to the winning bidder upon submission of the LOG/NLOA.

4.3 Installment Scheme

4.3.1. PHILGUARANTEE In-house Financing

Minimum downpayment: 10% of the bid price

Balance shall be payable within a maximum period of 30 years, provided that the age of the bidder does not exceed 70 at the end of the contract term with the following interest rates:

Interest Rate/annum
(if paid after due date) *
Up to ₱ 400,000.00 6%

Above ₱ 400,000.00

to ₱ 2.0Million

More than
₱ 2.0Million

“*a prompt payor discount of one percent (1%) on the interest rate if the buyer pays the amortization on or before the due date.”

4.4 Rent-to-Own Program – applicable only to properties under Category B*

Minimum monthly lease rate: Based on the appraised lease/rental rate as recommended by the PHILGUARANTEE commissioned appraiser

Term of Lease: Maximum period of five (5) years

Initial cash out: 2 months advance and 2 months deposit (based on the monthly lease rate)

The Lessee must exercise his/her option to purchase the property within the 5-year term and pay the published selling price in cash.

Portion of payments made by the Lessee during the term of the lease shall be applied as partial payment of the selling price of the property, as follows:”

*Category B Properties are PHILGUARANTEE Acquired properties with illegal occupants.

1 100%
2 90%
3 80%
4 70%
5 60%

5. Bid proposals must be sealed in long brown envelope and dropped at the designated bid box located at the ASDD office until August 9, 2022 (Tuesday), 2:00 pm. All bid proposals received during the said period shall be opened immediately on the same day at 3:00 p.m., at the 4th Floor Conference Room.

6. The award of sale of the property shall be based on the offer deemed to be most advantageous to the Corporation.

For inquiries, please call the Asset Sales and Disposition Department at telephone numbers 8- 897-31-49 & 8-897-32-86 and email us at or visit the PHILGUARANTEE office at the 4th Floor, Jade Building, 335 Sen. Gil Puyat Avenue, Makati City. The list of the properties may also be viewed at the PHILGUARANTEE website, and



Senior Vice President

Special Asset Management and Recovery Group”

Source: Notice of Sale as of August 1, 2022 FINAL 2.1.pdf via Philguarantee website

PHILGUARANTEE contact details

To inquire, please contact the PHILGUARANTEE Asset Sales and Disposition Department DIRECTLY! See below contact details:


  • 8-897-31-49
  • 8-897-32-86


Office Address: 4th Floor, Jade Building, 335 Sen. Gil Puyat Avenue, Makati City.

Here’s a reminder from PHILGUARANTEE

Note: All properties are being sold on an “as-is, where-is” basis. Category A can be paid either through outright cash, from proceeds of financing by bank/ financial institution, or through installment, while Category B can be paid through installment only.

What is PHILGUARANTEE (Philippine Guarantee Corporation)?

The Philippine Guarantee Corporation (PHILGUARANTEE) is a government own and controlled corporation resulting from the merger and consolidation of five (5) Philippine Guarantee Programs and Agencies (PGPA’s) pursuant to Executive Order No. 58, Series of 2018. PHILGUARANTEE is the former Philippine Export-Import Credit Agency (PhilEXIM), the surviving entity in the amalgamation of the PGPA’s.

Being the Principal Agency for State Guarantee Finance of the Philippines, the primary objective of PHILGUARANTEE is to perform its development financing role through the provision of credit guarantees in support of trade and investments, exports, infrastructure, energy, tourism, agricultural business/modernization, housing, MSME’s and other priority sectors of the economy, with the end in view of facilitating and promoting socio-economic and regional development.


In addition, I believe the bigger inventory of PHILGUARANTEE foreclosed assets (as compared to previous HGC listings) is due to the merger of HGC and PhilEXIM. I used to actively feature foreclosed assets from PhilEXIM, which I believe are now part of PHILGUARANTEE’s assets for sale.

Happy hunting!

Jay Castillo

Full Disclosure: Nothing to disclose, I am no longer active with the brokerage of foreclosed properties and I am not an accredited real estate broker of PHILGUARANTEE. I am just sharing their listings as a public service announcement for all our readers and subscribers who might be interested in the foreclosed properties from PHILGUARANTEE.

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