Dipolog City property auction by PNB slated on September 23, 2010

The PNB – Special Assets Management Sector or PNB-SAMS will be conductiing an auction of foreclosed and bank owned properties on September 23, 2010, Thursday, 2:00pm, at the Top Plaza Hotel, Echavez St. cor Quezon Avenue, Dipolog City.

Properties covered by this auction are from Zamboanga Del Norte, Zamboanga Del Sur, Sibugay, and Misamis Occidental.

Winning bidders can enjoy up to 35% discount* and as low as 8% interest* for installment purchases, with payment terms of up to 10 years.

*rates may vary according to the market value of the properties

Based on the auction flyer, properties under Pabahay Bonanza(below Php1M), get 8% fixed interest rate for installment terms. Properties priced above Php1M will get 10% fixed interest rates for 1-5 years payment terms and 12% fixed interest rates for 6-10 years payment terms.

>>>Click here to download the foreclosed property listing for PNB-SAMS’ Dipolog auction on September 23, 2010 in PDF format(482KB) or click on the image below to download a copy in JPG format(1.578MB)

PNB Property Auction Dipolog City, September 23, 2010

Don’t forget to contact PNB-SAMS directly using the contact numbers above for any inquiries about the auction or any of the foreclosed properties on the list.


Interested bidders only need to bring a deposit of PhP25, 000.00 in the form of CASH or MANAGERS CHECK. NO DEPOSIT, NO PARTICIPATION!

The “fine print”

Auctioneer reserves the right at anytime to pull out or update status of the properties in the event discrepancies are found.


Inadvertent misprints shall not alter the property’s factual condition or shall they be deemed as a misrepresentation of the property.

Happy hunting!

To our success and financial freedom!

Jay Castillo
Real Estate Investor
Real Estate Broker License #: 20056
Blog: https://www.foreclosurephilippines.com
Follow me in Twitter:http://twitter.com/jay_castillo
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Text by Jay Castillo and Cherry Castillo. Copyright © 2010 All rights reserved.

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12 thoughts on “Dipolog City property auction by PNB slated on September 23, 2010”

  1. Good Day!!

    We are looking for a lot foreclosure in around Dipolog city, sicayab ,or dapitan.

    Could you send us all the foreclosure lot you have?

    Awaiting your prompt reply,

    Best Regards,


  2. I am so interested to join the PNB bidding, however i saw the ad just the night before the scheduled date, do i still have the chance to buy thru negotiated sale after the bidding if there are still available properties for sale? all these properties will be transacted in dipolog branch or in their respective branches? Thank you very much. When can these negotiated sale be allowed? TY.

  3. Sir Jay, would you believed that the person in charge of foreclose properties that I meet in the bank is not aware of the auction?

  4. Sir Jay, I try to visit in PNB Dipolog last week to inquire their foreclose properties but one of the employee i’d meet, said no foreclose property in their branch but I surprise when I open the website that there is a bidding schedule today however I can’t able to attend because i’m now in manila. one question! are the employees of the said bank did not know this schedule of bidding? follow-up question! If he know this schedule why he did not informed me about this bidding?

    1. Hi Romel, maybe the bank employee was really not aware of the auction. I remember once when I went to the PNB branch in Ayala, near Paseo De Roxas, and the first employee I asked did not even know they had listings of foreclosed properties. I asked the guard and he told me to look for the person in charge of acquired assets, who was then able to give me the listings I was looking for. I guess something similar might have happened to you. I believe the best thing to do would be to call PNB-SAMS first, and then they can refer you the the person who would be able to assist you from any particular branch.

  5. Thanks sir…actually i’m from zamboanga city, one of Dipolog’s neighbors. i got interested since there are actually a few properties listed in the auction that are in zamboanga city.

    thanks also for your list/tips on what to inquire from the bank regarding foreclosed properties. it helped a lot!

    1. Hi Shan, the deposit is refundable and they give it back after the auction if the bidder did not win on any of his/her bid(s). For other banks, they just need to bring show money where bidders literally just show it to the auctioneers to participate in the auction. In India, normally how much is the deposit/show money?

  6. Sir Jay, good day! inquire ko lang po whether the P25,000 deposit required for the participation is refundable or not. Thanks and more power!

    1. Hi Rina, yes it is refundable, it will just serve as your show money. If you participate and win on your bid, the 25K will be credited as payment for the property. You’re from Dipolog? Goodluck and don’t forget to do your due diligence!

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