RCBC and RCBC Savings Bank Post Auction Listings Now Available! (As of February 23, 2013)

We attended the 44th RCBC Amazing Buys and RCBC Dream Buys auctions which were both held last February 23, 2013, and I must say these were very successful in terms of bidder turn-out and number of foreclosed properties sold.

Nevertheless, a lot of foreclosed properties remain unsold, and as requested by a lot of people who could not attend, we are publishing these post auction listings from both banks.

We basically removed the sold properties from the complete listings of properties for public auction (same as those we published with the auction announcements) and we now we have updated post auction listings from both RCBC and RCBC Savings Bank.

RCBC Amazing Buys Mega Property Auction of foreclosed properties on February 4 2012 RCBC Savings Bank foreclosed properties for sale

Properties that remain unsold after the auction are available for negotiated sale, and interested parties only need to submit their offers, which are subject to management’s evaluation and approval.

Auction highlights

While majority of the properties sold during the auction were sold at minimum bid prices, there were also a few that got sold at a price significantly higher than the minimum bid price. One even went higher by more than 1 Million pesos, to think it was an occupied property.

By the way, I would like to thank the bidders, observers, and also the other licensed real estate brokers who attended that we had a chance to chat with. I even met a batchmate from Pisay, who’s part of a group that’s very interested with investing in foreclosed properties, it’s really a small world! 🙂

I would also like to thank the bank officers from both RCBC and RCBC Savings Bank for the warm reception, and I congratulate them all for the successful auctions!

Access the Post Auction Listings of foreclosed properties

To view the post auction listings just click on the following links, which also include payment terms, relevant forms, frequently asked questions and other details.

Please submit your inquiries through the respective inquiry forms that you can find after the listings.


To our success and financial freedom!

Jay Castillo

Real Estate Investor
PRC Real Estate Broker License No. 3194 
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Text by Jay Castillo and Cherry Castillo. Copyright © 2008 – 2012 All rights reserved.

Full disclosure: I am an accredited real estate broker of  RCBC and RCBC Savings Bank.

PS – Don’t forget to subscribe to e-mail alerts to get notified with updates on the next auction schedules and updates like post auction listings for RCBC and RCBC Savings Bank foreclosed properties above.

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2 thoughts on “RCBC and RCBC Savings Bank Post Auction Listings Now Available! (As of February 23, 2013)”

  1. hi jay! good day! im interesested in making an offer for a negotiated sale on a property not sold at the auction. how can i do about with it? i hope you could assist me with it. thank you.

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