423 Real Estate Salespersons’ Accreditation Approved By The PRBRES

After more than a year and a half after the guidelines for the accreditation of Real Estate Salespersons was published by the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) and the Professional Regulatory Board of Real Estate Service (PRBRES), the first batch of Real Estate Salespersons approved for accreditation have been released, finally.


While searching for the 2013 Real Estate Brokers Licensure Exam results in PRC Baguio’s website (The main PRC website is still offline as of today, March 26, 2013) , I stumbled upon PRBRES Resolution No. 12 and No. 13 (Series of 2013), which includes Real Estate Salespersons whose accreditation have been granted and approved. PRBRES Resolution No. 12 includes 174 Real Estate Salespersons while Resolution No. 13 includes 249, for a total of 423.

These are in accordance with Section 31, Article IV of RA 9646 which is also known as the “Real Estate Service Act of the Philippines” or “RESA Law”, and Section 31, Rule IV of Board Resolution No. 02 (Series of 2010), otherwise known as the “RESA Law IRR”.

The full text of the newly released PRBRES Resolutions with the complete list of accredited Real Estate Salespersons can be found below.

PRBRES Resolution No. 12, Series of 2013

Source: PRC Baguio Website

PRBRES Resolution No. 13, Series of 2013

Source: PRC Baguio Website

Real Estate Salesperson Identification Cards

As stated in the PRBRES resolutions above, the Real Estate Salespersons whose accreditation have been approved can get their Identification Cards after paying the prescribed fees, and their ID’s will be valid for one (1) year, which they need to renew every year.

When will they release the rest of the accredited Real Estate Salespersons?

I’m sure the resolutions above are welcome news to a lot of Real Estate Salespersons and Real Estate Brokers out there. But I can’t help but wonder when would the PRBRES release the rest of the thousands of Real Estate Salespersons out there who were able to beat the December 31, 2011 deadline?

These are in addition to the backlog of DTI Licensed Real Estate Brokers whose applications for registration without examination are yet to be approved.

I just hope they release these soon… positive thoughts please!

One more thing, If you will notice, some of the salespersons on the resolutions above are already licensed real estate brokers because they already passed the March 2012 real estate brokers exam (I did a quick google search for some on the list above, and I found them on the list of passers for past Real Estate Brokers exams), which just shows the release of the list above is a bit late, obviously.


To our success and financial freedom!

Jay Castillo

Real Estate Investor
PRC Real Estate Broker License No. 3194 
Blog: https://www.foreclosurephilippines.com
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Text by Jay Castillo and Cherry Castillo. Copyright © 2008 – 2013 All rights reserved.

Full disclosure: Nothing to disclose.

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12 thoughts on “423 Real Estate Salespersons’ Accreditation Approved By The PRBRES”

  1. Pingback: Our Top 10 Real Estate Investing Blog Posts For 2013

  2. Hi sir, I’ve been waiting for the release of my license as sales person. I applied for it last December 2011 pa. I am feeling depressed kasi hindi ko pa nakikita name ko 🙁

  3. Pingback: Accreditation Of 1,086 Real Estate Salespersons Approved By The PRC - ForeclosurePhilippines.com

  4. Hi sir..i just want to know if I am qualified to take the licensure examination for real estate appraiser next year without taking the required course? tnx

  5. Hi sir.. I am an applicant for licensed appraiser pursuant to Section 20 of RA 9646 that until now still waiting for its approval.. with this regards i am planning to take the licensure examination next year.. do am I still qualified to take the said examination without taking the required course?

  6. Sandra E. Coral

    Good day! How about the other who filed already? When will be the next approval of our application as a Real Estate Salesperson? What department we need to call for any status? Please let me know thru my contact numbers: 09222421250 / 09202302771 & 09163730417…

    Hope to hear from you soon regarding this matter.

    Thank you & more power!

    God bless:-)

    1. Hi Sandra, as mentioned in the post, I too am wondering when they will publish the next batch of Salespersons with approved accreditation’s. You may either call PRC directly to check or just subscribe to our email list as I will surely publish the next board resolutions from the PRBRES. Thanks!

  7. Hi Jay, i spoke with someone in prc regarding the accreditation of salesperson. they mentioned that since 2011, not a single salesperson was given a license or license number since there is no final approval from the board yet. can you confirm this? looking forward to hear from you soon. thank you.

    1. Hi Rod, the person you talked with is probably not aware of these resolutions from the PRBRES. Anyway, I hope that the PRBRES/PRC will also publish these on their website. I’m just glad PRC Baguio posted this on theirs.

      1. Hi Jay, thanks for the reply.

        the reason I asked is because I wanted to apply as a salesperson so that I can get a license. However, they informed that as of 2011, no license has been issued. they can only issue a receipt once all of the requirements has been submitted which for me I think is useless. Can you advise how to proceed from here if I want to obtain a salesperson license?

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