I’m a bit short in time so I will go direct to the point. San Juan City tax delinquent properties will be up for sale through a tax foreclosure auction on February 9, 2012, 10:00am, at the Multi-Purpose Hall of the City of San Juan.
The auction will be conducted by The Office of the City Treasurer of San Juan, by virtue of the provisions of Section 260 and 263 of RA 7160 otherwise known as the Local Government Code of 1991.
According to the notice of sale, the list of tax delinquent properties is still “Subject to Adjustment” and was “Computed as of September 30,2011”. Furthermore, taxpayers were advised that “If payment has been made please present to this office the corresponding official receipt for verification/validation”
Download the complete list of San Juan City Delinquent Real Properties
The complete list of delinquent real properties included in the tax foreclosure auction sale on February 9, 2012 can be found viewed/downloaded below. Keep in mind that this was published last October 28, 2011 and it is highly possible that the updated list contains less properties.

A PDF version is also available: San Juan City tax delinquent properties auction listing on February 9, 2012 (PDF)
Source: Philippine Star, October 28, 2011 print edition.
Learn more about tax delinquent properties
- Marikina Public Auction of Real Properties with Tax Delinquencies – Nov 13, 2008 – My wife and I along with fellow real estate investor friends attended a Tax Foreclosure Auction in Marikina City last November 13, 2008. Although I did not win the bidding for any of the Marikina tax delinquent properties that I was interested in, the time was well worth it as I had learned so much […]
- 9 Lessons Learned From The Real Property Tax Foreclosure Auction Sale In Quezon City – I attended the Quezon City real property tax foreclosure auction sale yesterday and although I was only able to make it to the last forty minutes of the auction, I was still able to learn a lot and I would like to share these lessons here. Incoming search terms: real property tax, real property tax […]
Four tips for investors who plan to invest in tax delinquent real properties in Quezon City – The Quezon City Office of the City Treasurer has recently issued another notice of sale of delinquent real properties which shall be sold through public auction on July 8, 2010, 10:00am, at the main entrance of the Taxpayer’s Assessment and Payment Lounge, Quezon City Hall, Quezon City. If you plan to invest in tax delinquent […]
To our success and financial freedom!
Jay Castillo
Real Estate Investor
PRC Real Estate Broker License No. 3194
Blog: https://www.foreclosurephilippines.com
Follow me in Twitter: http://twitter.com/jay_castillo
Find us in Facebook: Foreclosure Investing Philippines Facebook Page
Text by Jay Castillo and Cherry Castillo. Copyright © 2008 – 2012 All rights reserved.
Full disclosure: Nothing to disclose.
Hi Jay, can I purchase the property even after auction ended? at the minimium price indicated above? Is the title of property under the name of the city govenement alaready? please advice. Thanks!
hi jay,
am curious about those tax delinquent properties for auction by the local governments.
just like to verify that if i do bid and win the auction, is the
property really mine? reason why am asking is that the back real estate
taxes i saw were much lower than the value of the properties. in short,
to pay for the property for the price of the back taxes is too good to
be true? is there are a catch? what if the property is occupied?
case in point is the san juan tax delinquent property auction. i saw many condominium units are in the list. the first entry is in eisenhower st, 27 sqm which i assume is a condominium in the area. the delinquent tax is about p42000 plus the cost of sale of p1700…total pis about p44000, which is also the minimun bid price.
am i missing something? for p44000 (assuming no other bidders), i can acquire a 27sqm condo in ortigasย valued at least p2m?
appreciate your input.
Hi Jay, my name is Nonie Vales. I sent you an email. Please read it and let me know what you think. Thanks
hi sir jay im howard is there a way i can contact you directly so we can discuss this auction? thanks
Hi Howard, you may call me at 09178843882.