Take a break!

This is a guest post by Sha Nacino of Seminar Philippines

Everyone needs a getaway
Everyone needs a break!

I love writing! It’s my passion. I feel so alive when I write. I remember a time when I didn’t leave the house for a couple of days because I was so glued to the book I was writing.

Last year, I took a two month (unpaid) vacation from work so I could write some books. I wrote from 7am until past 1am only to wake up very early again the next day because I was excited to resume writing.

Yes, that was how addicted I was to my passion. The result? Burnout.

I believe that while we love what we’re doing, perhaps our job or our business, it’s very important to take a break and rest. If you don’t enjoy your job, the more that you need to take a break and re-charge.

Take a break and rest…

What is rest? Rest doesn’t mean not doing anything. According to Saint Josemaria Escriva, rest means doing something different. For instance, rest may mean playing badminton, watching TV, praying, bonding with your family and friends, visiting the sick and the poor, playing with children, or reading by the beach.

Have you noticed that when you are too tired and your mind is preoccupied, you oftentimes end up making irrational decisions and actions? You easily get irritated. You are panicky.

When I am tired, my mind is so slow. One time, my friend was talking to me but I just stared at her with a blank face, trying to digest what she’s asking even if her question then was as simple as “what do you want to order?” When I am stressed out, my defenses are also down and I easily get affected by what’s happening in my surroundings. Thus, I make it a point to take a rest and relax so I always feel refreshed and in top shape for work.

Rest and relax…

I love taking vacations to rest my tired body and to re-energize my mind to think creatively.

Perhaps one of the best vacations I had was when I went on a pilgrimage to Europe for two weeks. My friends and I visited three European countries and 8 cities. We toured Paris, Versailles, Lourdes, Barcelona,  Madrid, Catalonia, Rome, and Milan. It was a surreal experience for me to see The Eiffel Tower, Vatican City, and the Lourdes Grotto, among others.

… while you earn passive income!

When I came back to the Philippines, I read an email that told me I had earned something while I was on vacation. The income I earned is called passive income.

I wanted more people to know more about passive income so I wrote the eBook How to Earn While on Vacation with a Foreword by Bo Sanchez.

I am giving this eBook for free. If you don’t have your copy yet, you may log on to www.facebook.com/seminarphilippines.

Sha NacinoSha Nacino is an author and a blogger. You may visit her at www.seminarphilippines.com or www.happysha.com.

Photo credit: Kennymatic on Flickr

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4 thoughts on “Take a break!”

  1. home staging nyc

    Thanks for sharing this post! I really appreciate it. I love traveling but most of the time for business purposes ๐Ÿ™

  2. Thanks a lot Sha for sharing this. This is perfect timing for me as the past month has been very stressful because I had to move all our websites to a new host.

    Sometimes I would have to stay awake until 3am in the morning just to finish tasks for the day, and I do this while doing my best to answer inquiries about featured listings. I also had this feeling at the back of my mind that I was sick and tired of fixing my blog, and I would rather write content for it, which is why I went ahead and decided to move.

    Now that I have finally moved everything to Hostgator, I can’t help but have this “go go go… there is no time to rest!” attitude and start implementing improvements when I really should catch up on some much needed rest. I simply have too much sleep debt and I should take your advice and take a break! ๐Ÿ™‚

    Great eBook by the way! Thanks for sharing it to everyone!

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