Thank you 2010! Let us keep moving forward in 2011…

Although it’s already 2011, I simply cannot let 2010 go without giving thanks for another year full of blessings.

Let me look back at 2010 for one last time to give thanks and count the blessings for the year that just passed.

After all, 2010 was the year…

New Year 2010 Fireworks, Singapore
Goodbye 2010, Hello 2011!!!

I quit the rat race

2010 was the year I quit the rat race and got to enjoy what I believe was by far my most stress-free year ever in myย adult life! Yes, there were also stressful moments (more on this later),ย but if I compared this to the job I left in the corporate world, it’s like a walk in the park! It’s also so much more fun, rewarding, and healthier!

But wait, before anyone out there gets any ideas, you need to consider a lot of things before you can really quit your job. I’ll discuss these in another post.

We won the apprentice challenge

In 2010, I also got to be part of the team that won the first ever apprentice challenge and I got to meet so many people, mostย of whom became good friends and mentors, for which I am so thankful.

I did however decide to leave the RYP team later on. One of the reasons I left was because of too much stress, which I found to be unhealthy. I also needed to focus on a lot of things left undone. Let’s just say things did not work out the way they were supposed to.

I did stay on to finish the coaching program initiated by Trace Trajano but I should have trusted my instincts.

Update dated June 2, 2011 โ€“ After much thought, I have decided to leave Trace Trajanoโ€˜s local coaching program and my role as one of the local coaches. I would also like to inform everyone that I am not part of Traceโ€™s other programs.

For those who donโ€™t know, I was once a student of Trace, and I was also part of the team that won his first apprentice challenge, although I decided to leave the RYP team last September 2010. I became one of the local coaches as part of the now defunct Terrific Trio University. I also helped promote his seminars in the past including TRQ 1.0, TRQ 2.0, TRQ Cebu, his quick cash seminars, and the last one was TRQ 3.0.

It has also come to my attention that some materials that Trace used in marketing some of his seminars might make it appear that I am one of his partners. I would like to make it clear that I am not a business partner of Trace Trajano.

Things did not turn out as planned, but lessons have been learned, and I feel it is time for me to move on. ~ end of update ~

Nevertheless, I’m still very thankful for the whole experience and for all the lessons learned.

One of the happiest places on Earth

Last August 1, 2010, we were finally able to attend The Feast at the PICC. I really wanted to attend The Feast sooner, as in a couple of ย years sooner at the Valle Verde ย (beside ULTRA), but I wanted to do so with my wife and our son.

When my wife heard about The Feast at the PICC, I was surprised when she insisted on attending. I even played hard to get and asked if she was serious. It turned out she really was and we have been attending regularly ever since. I guess this was one of those examples where things will fall into place, in due time, with the help of prayers of course!

To our sources of real estate investments

Thanks again to the various banks in the Philippines and other lending institutions whose listings of foreclosed properties and repossessed cars were featured here in Foreclosure Investing Philippines. Please keep them coming in 2011 as I’m sure a lot of people out there are just like me, and always look forward to finding good real estate investments through your lists.

To my mentors and friends

I am even more thankful to all my mentors for real estate investing and internet marketing that I mentioned in myย thank you post for 2009. I continued to learn a lot form all of you in 2010.

It was also great helping facilitate Larry Gamboa’s Think Rich Pinoy Seminars where I not only got to see the likes of Larry, Bo Sanchez, Alvin Barcelona, Randy Manaloto, Jay Mclean, Victoria Lucker, etc., I also got to know better the Think Rich Pinoy franchisees, team members, and a lot of seminar attendees.

Other awesome events worth mentioning are the Internet Marketing Boot Camp, The Money Summit and Wealth Expo, John Calub’s How to become a Money Magnet seminar, Maven Secrets (I ย re-attended to review and sharpen the saw), and Roy Alejandrino’s Strategic Investing and Practical Fundamental Analysis.

In some of the seminars above, I not only met friends and mentors, I also met business partners.

2010 turned out to be very interesting because my wife started to attend seminars with me. Several years ago, she would often say things like “Puro ka na lang seminar, wala ka namang napapala diyan…” (In english: “You’re always attending seminars but you get nothing out of them…”). Now the tables have turned. ๐Ÿ™‚

To my dear readers and subscribers

I would also like to thank YOU, for taking time to read what I have to share here in Foreclosure Investing Philippines. I owe the success of FIP to all of you and I shall always be gratefull.

Sorry if I may take a long time to answer the avalanche of e-mails, comments, and text messages, or if I have failed to answer them at all. I guess I was not prepared for these last 2010. Hopefully I’ll find a way to multiply myself through better automation, virtual assistants, and outsourcing.

Speaking of outsourcing, a good example would be the time when I outsourced the transfer of the title of one of my properties. I hope to do more of this in 2011.

My thank you’s won’t be complete…

Of course my thank you’s won’t be complete without mentioning my wife and my son, who I love so much and inspire me to do what I do, and to our God Almighty for everything, none of which would have been possible without him!

By the way, today is our 7th Wedding Anniversary, and my son recently celebrated his 6th Birthday. I guess it’s about time for another “baby project”. ๐Ÿ™‚

Thank you also to my family, friends, and just about everyone out there who has helped in one way or another. Of course, there are so much more things to be thankful for in 2010, but I guess putting them all here might not be a good idea as this is already too long as it is, so this will have to do. Remember to count your blessings too!

Let us all keep moving forward in 2011!

To our success and financial freedom!

Jay Castillo
Real Estate Investor

Real Estate Broker License #: 20056
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Find us in Facebook: Foreclosure Investing Philippines facebook page

Text by Jay Castillo and Cherry Castillo. Copyright ยฉ 2011 All rights reserved.

PS. Don’t be the last to know, subscribe to e-mail alerts and get notified of new listings of bank foreclosed properties, public auction schedules, and real estate investing tips. Mailbox getting full? Subscribe through my RSS Feed instead!

Photo credit:ย Eustaquio Santimano, on Flickr
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13 thoughts on “Thank you 2010! Let us keep moving forward in 2011…”

  1. Pingback: FIP’s best of 2010 to help you get started in 2011

  2. Allan @ Rich Money Habits

    Congratulations Jay! Thank you for sharing your real-estate investing experience with the rest of us. More power to you!

    It was great getting to know you last year. Happy new year to you and your family! Good luck on your “baby” project. God bless you!

    1. Hi Allan, thanks! It was a pleasure meeting you as well. You don’t know how valuable one of your blogposts was last year, it helped me realize something that was going on (I guess you know what I’m referring to right?). God bless and happy new year to you and your family!

  3. Property in Vietnam

    The past year has certainly been an eventful one, especially for the real estate industry. Let’s be thankful for all the blessings that we received. As for the challenges, let’s take them as, well, challenges, that will help make us better people personally and professionally.

  4. Hi Jay!

    Truly it was not only a successful year for you but a blessed year as well. You and have become so much a part of my investing and learning life. I never miss to read your posts and looking for those foreclosure gems.

    Thank you very much for being a great mentor and friend. For sharing your thoughts, knowledge and resources unselfishly that most people of today might think “It’s too good to be true.” But you have shown that you are not only genuine in helping others but it is indeed your burning passion as well.

    Kudos my friend and may you ever be so blessed this year 2011!

    God bless you.


    1. Hi Bryan, thanks bro! Belated Happy Birthday my friend! Thanks for patiently listening to me as well when I needed to release bottled up frustrations. I wish you and your family even more blessings as well this new year, cheers!

  5. Pingback: Tweets that mention Thank you 2010! Let us keep moving forward in 2011โ€ฆ

  6. Hi, i love your grateful attitude, for remembering to thank a lot of people. Nowadays, seldom do we meet people who are thankful. It is a good virture, to be grateful, to be humble, to recognize God in all the things we do. Please keep on the good work. I was able to acquire a property from this site, and am so grateful for the great investment my husband and I had because of your posts. I hope someday I can be a real estate investor. To date I have not joined any of the seminars, I do hope I can someday. Like you said, to be able to like walk in the park, to live a stress less life.

    I am also thanking you. . Happy Anniversary and a belated Happy
    Birthday to your son.

    1. Hi Teh! Thank you for the greetings and the comment! I guess it is just proper to be thankful. Besides, I believe having an attitude of gratitude makes one’s life so much happier, and the more thankful we are, the more blessings we see. ๐Ÿ™‚

      Wow, I’m really glad you already acquired a property! Believe it or not, you are already a real estate investor! ๐Ÿ˜‰

      I have a good feeling you are well on your way to a stress free life, cheers! and also wish you and your family a happy new year!

  7. More to come this 2011 and beyond Kuya Jay! More success to all of your current and future ventures. God bless. ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Hi Reden, thanks a lot for dropping by. I wish you even more blessings as well! Cheers and God Bless! ๐Ÿ™‚

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