My Think Rich Pinoy Seminar Experience

After attending the “How to be Truly Rich Seminar” by Bo Sanchez last July 21, 2007, I saw a flyer about the Think Rich Pinoy Seminar that was to be held on the following month.

I was so excited and I hurriedly registered because my wife and I had already read the book “Think Rich Pinoy” by Larry Gamboa about 8 months earlier. We both believed that the book was like an outline on how to apply Rich Dad Poor Dad principles and do foreclosed real estate investing in the Philippine setting. I wanted to learn more!

August 18, 2007 came and it turned out to be a very stormy Saturday, but the flooded streets I encountered on my way to the seminar venue did not deter me from attending. I had a good feeling about this seminar.

I was not disappointed!

Although I was a bit late, I was still able to attend and I met Larry and the rest of the Think Rich Pinoy team.

trp seminar august 2007
A stormy Saturday… but the seminar room was full! That’s me in the red shirt on the right listening to Larry Gamboa’s talk.

I learned about the “desert experience” from Bo Sanchez and how important it is, not just for me, but also for the people around me, especially my son. I Also remember answering a questionnaire that Bo gave to all attendees. It gave an accurate picture of how financially literate I was back then, or the lack of it. Bo also talked about the true purpose of becoming rich. Awesome!

I also saw more examples of investing in real estate in the Philippines through real life real estate deals, not just from Larry, but also from the Think Rich Pinoy franchisees. I wanted to validate what I understood from the book, and I felt I was on the right track.

And then there was also this one thing that happened during the seminar that I shall never forget.

A preview of things to come?

In the afternoon session, seminar attendees played Robert Kiyosakiโ€™s Cashflow 101 board game. I remember that I had already played the board game before, but I was not able to get out of the rat race. (You can read more about cashflow 101 here: Top 7 lessons learned from playing cashflow 101)

That changed however during the game in that fateful day more than 3 years ago. Our team got out of the rat race, in record time(we were the second team to get out), when we simply grabbed an opportunity that came our way in the game and never looked back.

It also helped that the game card we picked was for a truck driver, which meant our expenses were very low, and this really helped us get out of the rat race faster.

It was exhilarating to hear game master Ronald Cagape announce that we got out of the rat race and later on I was congratulated by Larry Gamboa himself!

I shall never forget the words Larry said to me on that day.

โ€œGreat work Jay, now you just have to do it in real life.โ€ as he shook my hand.

Our team got out of the rat race (sorry I forgot my teammate's name and lost her number thanks to ondoy)
Our team got out of the rat race! In this picture, we were holding our financial statement and money from the game. (Sorry I forgot my teammate’s name and I also lost her number thanks to ondoy)

Was this a preview of things to come? Will I really be able to get out of the rat race for real?!

Of course, getting out of the rat race in the Cashflow 101 game is one thing, but doing it in real life is something totally differentโ€ฆ or is it?

You see, last January 31, 2010, I got out of the rat race. But this time around, it was for real.

Yes, it really is possible!

As I look back, I truly believe It was just a matter of believing that it can really be done. Because of the seminar, I was off to a good start!

Now you know whyโ€ฆ

Whenever I get the chance, I volunteer to help facilitate the Think Rich Pinoy Seminars. I even bring my own Cash Flow 101 board game to help make sure that there are enough boards for all to play.

I also actively promote the seminar here in Foreclosure Investing Philippines. I believe this is one seminar that I will never regret promoting.

Now I get to share my story

I was invited by Larry Gamboa to speak at the upcoming Think Rich Pinoy Seminar on May 28, 2011, and I look forward to sharing how I got out of the rat race for real.

Let me give you an idea of what I’m going to share. People are known to attend seminars and get to learn new ideas, and do nothing with them. I was also like that before.

But things happen and you just have to believe that it can be done, and you have to start taking charge of your life… and that’s exactly what I did!

I look forward to sharing my story. See you at the seminar!

Photo credits: Jomar Hilario


To our success and financial freedom!

Jay Castillo

Real Estate Investor
PRC Real Estate Broker Registration No. 3194
Follow me in Twitter:
Find us in Facebook: Foreclosure Investing Philippines Facebook Page

Text by Jay Castillo and Cherry Castillo. Copyright ยฉ 2011 All rights reserved.

Full disclosure: Nothing to disclose.

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13 thoughts on “My Think Rich Pinoy Seminar Experience”

  1. I attend a workshop in Colorado, USA and learned the basic of investing. Then I start buying my 1st house and make me a profit of $18,0000 after 12 months. Philippines is a little bit different approach because not too many buyers. In my little town, I saw good deals but need and some up dating. I can turn around this 2 properties for Ph 400k to rent to own buyers who had a little down payment of Ph 20,000. So there are good deal in a small town. In land acquisition, the approach is also different but you can turn around that property into a good profit by sub-dividing the property and sell to the public. In 5 years if you’re aggressive, you can be a millionsire. I am retired and no enough capital to buy and sell properties in the Philippines. I inherit a 100 square meter old house and a. 2,000 square meters land from my parents. I will use my monthly benefits I recieved from SSB and tax return to repair and renovate the old house and the land, I will sub-divide them into 20 lots. I will find a investors to build a sample design from builder in Laguna and sell to rent to own buyers. Once we cash out. the 1st deal, we will built another one of different design until all the lots are sold out. I will invest my profit to built my own house in my lot and sell. So investing in real estate had so many approach depending on your vision in life. If you have no enough capital, you can start a group to acquire one property. Bye guys.

  2. Pingback: You are invited to the Think Rich Pinoy Seminar this Saturday, August 27, 2011!

  3. Ryan Eisenhower

    I love Robert Kiyosaki’s books and cash flow game. If your looking for an enlightening way to review the world and take a hold of things, that man is the one to follow. Thank you for your encouraging experience, and hopefully you will continue to succeed in life and your pursuit of happiness!

  4. wow!this is nostalgic!!…sabi na nga ba batch tau,Jay..I was the guy to the left with a pony tail!hahaha..I’ll copy this photo if you don’t mind,ok?

    Thanks for this post for reinforcing that which we all believe in..Way to go,Jay..

    1. Hi Julz, nope, I wonโ€™t mind at all, Im just glad Jomar was taking pictures for us!

      Itโ€™s so nice to see a batchmateโ€ฆ hehe! Cheers!

  5. Thank you Jay for always encouraging and sharing to us your wonderful experience to success. I’ll be at the seminar. God bless you!!!

  6. Thanks for sharing your TRP seminar story Kuya Jay. I also attended in one of Bo’s โ€œHow to be Truly Rich Seminar”, year 2009, but hopefully next time, I find time to attend on Sir Larry’s TRP too. More success to you Kuya Jay, and more successful stories to come.

    Red @ Virtual Assistant Business Philippines

    1. Hi Red, thanks for dropping by. Great to know you also attended Bo’s seminar, it lays a solid foundation on the real purpose of becoming wealthy, which is to help people.

      I hope to see you in the next TRP seminar!

  7. nice one jay!!!

    I remember attending TRP in Feb 2008. I was a year into corporate IT at that time. Since then, I’ve quit my job, bought and sold 2 houses, a condo, and I’m finishing up on a renovation project in a commercial space right now.

    I agree with you that this seminar is a good start for those who want to achieve financial freedom.

    1. Wow, thanks a lot for sharing your story Julius! I see you have also raised your investing to a higher level by going into commercial spaces, congrats!

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