This is my first time to create a weekly wrap and frankly, I think I should have done this sooner.
After all, at the end of the week, we should all sit back, relax, and take a good look at what happened and see where we are. Maybe this can help us realize where we ought to be and set our goals the following week right?!
During the past week I still felt I was trying to catch-up after I got sick a couple of weeks back and felt both physically and mentally drained for another week.
The good news is I now feel I am back “in the zone”, even though some listings still “fell through the cracks” and I was not able to publish them at all, me bad!
Anyway, here’s a round up of what happened here during the past seven days and a little bit more.
August 20, 2011 – Saturday
PRC accreditation guidelines for Real Estate Salespersons published
A lot of people have been waiting for this and after a long wait, the PRBRES has finally published the accreditation and registration guidelines for real estate salespersons. One thing that caught my attention was the high school graduate requirement for the second and third categories (section 2.2 and 2.3).
It seems there will be a lot of real estate agents out there, who are not high school graduates, who wont be able to sell properties legally anymore. Click here to read the full article
August 22, 2011 – Monday
You are invited to the Think Rich Pinoy Seminar this Saturday, August 27, 2011!
The next Think Rich Pinoy Seminar will be held tomorrow, August 27, 2011, from 8am to 6pm, at the L/G Skyland Plaza Bldg. Sen. Gil Puyat Avenue, Makati City. I attended the same seminar several years ago, and you can check out this post if you also want to attend. By the way, It turns out I will give a short talk in tomorrow’s seminar, and I hope to see you there! Click here to read the full article
August 24, 2011 – Wednesday
The Buena Mano Q3-2011 Luzon catalog is here!
I was finally able to finish scanning the Buena Mano Q3-2011 Luzon catalogue which includes green tag, yellow tag, and red tag properties. This time around the softcopy was not only smaller in file size, it is also clearer and very much readable. Check it out if you are interested in acquired assets from the Luzon area. Click here to read the full article
August 25, 2011 – Thursday
Get the Buena Mano Q3-2011 Visayas & Mindanao catalog now!
Just like the Q3-2011 Luzon Catalog, the Q3-2011 Visayas and Mindanao Catalog is very clear and readable, but the file size is smaller. It also contains green tag, yellow tag, and red tag properties. I’m pretty sure a lot of people from the Visayas and Mindanao areas look forward to this softcopy because the hardcopy might take some time to reach them. Click here to read the full article
Other stuff
Here are other stuff I have been busy with concerning
- I have finally finished restoring the “Upcoming real estate auctions, seminars, and events” section at the right sidebar. Please check it out. Think of it as a friendly reminder of whats coming.
- I have been busy with making sure is accessible at all times. Sometimes I notice I cannot connect to the site (I know some people also noticed this and brought this to my attention). I thought it was caused by a lack of resources on my web server with Dreamhost. However, after I upgraded my server’s memory, I still noticed the problem just yesterday. Oh well, I will have to sift through the server logs again to solve the problem once and for all.
- I changed the site’s default font to Verdana and I believe the change has made reading more pleasant to the eyes. What do you think?
- Lastly, I also added like buttons and counters for Facebook, Twitter, Google plus, and Linkedin, and these float at the left side of all articles. Please feel free to like and share the articles using these buttons. I really appreciate the feedback as I will know what content you like.
By the way, I will publish my next installment for the Money Summit series by next week. Sorry for the delay.
That’s all for now. Happy long weekend!
To our success and financial freedom!
Jay Castillo
Real Estate Investor
PRC Real Estate Broker Registration No. 3194
Follow me in Twitter:
Find us in Facebook: Foreclosure Investing Philippines Facebook Page
Text by Jay Castillo and Cherry Castillo. Copyright © 2011 All rights reserved.
Full disclosure: Nothing to disclose.
hello jay, i am interested in becoming a licensed real estate broker. what shall i do? what are the qualifications and requirements for becoming a real estate broker.
p.s. I’ve been using Verdana myself for quite some time now – one of my favorite fonts. It’s about time Jay, what took you so long?…. ha-ha….
haha! I guess I thought verdana would make my blog posts longer, and tables wider, which means some won’t fit the width of my blogpost area. Now I need to check those posts with tables to make sure they don’t look out of whack! 🙂
Thanks for all your work. Mind tirelessly working even when not feeling good …. hahaha! We are wishing for your full recovery whatever’s ailing you, good man Jay, … so we can continue to pick your brain and get more investment ideas from your blog :-] “Yu da man Jay!”
Hello Jose, thanks for the comment, it’s really nice to read, especially at the start of another week! God bless you bro!
Verdana’s good, if not better!
Thanks a lot Joel for the feedback. Nice to see you here! Yup, I love verdana, in fact I’m puzzled why I did not start using it sooner. 🙂